02/26/2013 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/26/2013CITY OF GILROY BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PRELIMINARY MINUTES Tuesday, February 26, 2013 6:00 p.m. City of Gilroy Council Chambers City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 CALL TO ORDER 6:05 pm The meeting was called to order by Chair, Tony Marandos at 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell, Libby Lai, Vice-Chair, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Chair, Thomas Muniz ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary ABSENT Thomas Muniz - excused COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The Agenda for the Tuesday, February 26, 2013, regular meeting was posted on Friday, February 22, 2013 at 10:45 a.m. in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) PUBLIC PRESENT None present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chair, Libby Lai made a Motion to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, January 22, 2013 of the BPC regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Eldon Chappell and hearing no objections it was so ordered. OLD BUSINESS Walkable Cities – next steps – Libby http://www.bikewalk.org/pdfs/ncbwpubwalkablecomm.pdf Libby shared copies of a sample mission statement that she created for planning a bicycle friendly and walkable community. Libby commented that she was very happy with Henry’s explanation of Complete Streets on the city’s website. BPC Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 Page 2 Libby read the mission statement to the rest of the Commission. Libby asked the commission for their comments to the sample mission statement that she has worked to complete. Libby is hoping to see her sample mission statement be sent to the planning Dept., Planning Commission, public works, police dept. etc. Henry asked if the Commission wants to make this a proclamation or take to City Council as a suggestion for a City policy. Henry stated that it should take a month or two to complete. Libby asked if the commission could do both? Henry stated that it is possible. Also, Henry stated that this could be presented to the Council as a resolution. Libby would ask that staff look at this sample mission statement and then have it brought back to the Commission. Conrad moved that this be brought to council as a policy and Eldon seconded the motion. Seeing no objections it was so ordered. Tony moved to have this statement be distributed to all departments concerned for review before it is taken to City Council and Conrad seconded the motion. Seeing no objections it was so ordered. Update On Signage Improvements/Maps - Henry Henry reported to the Commission that some work orders have gone out regarding the locations of concern talked about at the last meeting. Henry also spoke with Recology regarding the number of metal bristles that the trucks are dropping on the street. Henry reported that Recology has two weeks to reply to the concerns reported to them regarding the meal bristles being dropped on the streets by their trucks. Henry will give a status report on this to the Commission at the next meeting. Henry shared copies of maps showing locations of projects being worked on with VTA. Project 1- resurfacing and restriping of Eigleberry St. between 1st St. and 10th St. – this is on a guaranteed grant. This project will move forward at a cost of $808,000 dollars. Project 2: OBAG grant candidate project Completion of Ronan Channel Parkway trail between Leavesley Road and E. 6th St. – at cost of a half a million dollars. The trail will run parallel along the Ronan channel, between 101 and Old Gilroy St., past San Y sidro Park providing access to the park, continuing close to the 6th St. overpass and continue on to 6th St. trail to meet up with the rest of the Channel continuing past Camino Arroyo. This is a fairly large project. The trail head at 6th St. will have lighting but there will not be lighting all along the trail. Henry will see if he has any traffic impact fees that could be used for additional lighting. BPC Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 Page 3 Project 3 – 4th St. Street Beautification between Eigleberry St. and Monterey St. – very short project. Cast Iron Grates, embossed sidewalks, brick liner on both sides, trees, pedestrian level lighting, and bulb outs that will match what was done on Monterey in that area. Project 8 – Monterey St. Traffic Signal Interconnect between 1st St. and 10th St. To regulate the flow of traffic with traffic signal coordination. At present time the traffic signals are not coordinated on this section of Monterey. Project 4 – Fifth St. Street Beautification between Eigleberry St. and Monterey St. Similar to Project 3. Project 5 – Downtown Paseo Project A – 7453 Monterey St. – approximately $750,000. To provide more walkable areas between the parking lots behind store fronts on Monterey which will include money for surveillance cameras connected to the Police Department, special lighting that the Police Department can control to help monitor activity in the se areas. Project 6 – Downtown Paseo Project B – 7533 Monterey St. This one block up from project 5, a little more difficult then Project 5 but will also enhance the pleasant walking experience in the downtown. This will include all of the amenities that are include d in Project 5. Project 7 – 10th St. Corridor - between Monterey and Orchard Dr. Signal timing project. Project 9 – Church St. Safety between 1st St. and 10th St. Bicycle lanes and narrowing the width of Church St. to make it more pedestrian friendly Project 10 –Welburn Safety Project between Monterey St. and Santa Teresa Blvd. Re-striping, bike lanes in areas that are wide enough and bulb outs for pedestrian safety. Libby asked what is the timeline for these projects? Henry stated that they must be presented to VTA by Tuesday of next week and they should hear back from the VTA in 3 or 4 months. Henry reported that all monies must be spent within 4 years. Libby told Henry that she is very impressed with the work that is being planned and very happy with the progress being made to address the concerns of the Commission. Goals and Objectives Review -Tony Tabled to next month’ meeting. BPC Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Bike to Work Day – May 9, 2013 - Tony Tony asked the commission if they want to set up an energizer station again this year. Tony and Conrad will work on this project together. Libby suggested the bike maps be given out at the bike to work day and at the Terra Bella Bike Ride. Henry will find out about things to give away at the energizer station. Tony will provide the coffee this year. Staff will help with signs/canopy. Henry told the Commissioners that the banner policy is going to council on March 14th – so, Henry will ask about the banners for Bike to Work Day. May is Bike Month. Henry told the Commission that it would be best to request two banners. Henry will report back to the Commissioners at the March meeting. BPC Presentation to City Council 2013 – Henry Libby suggested keeping the presentation in December. Libby moved to keep the BPC Presentation in December, Eldon seconded the motion and seeing no objections it was so ordered. CORRESPONDENCE Henry reported to the Commissioners that the Planning Dept. will be sending out invitations to residents letting them know about the forming of a General Plan Review Committee and now is the time to apply to have a seat on the General Plan Review Committee. Please let Henry know if you are interested. Libby suggested more than one Commissioner apply to have a seat on this Committee due to the fact that this review could take more than a year to complete. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS VTA-BPAC Meeting Nothing to report/Thomas absent. Commissioner Announcements Eldon – nothing to report. Libby – Libby suggested that perhaps Officer Kurt Ashley come back to a commission meeting so that he can hear the suggestions of the Commissioners. Libby also suggested Chief Turner perhaps. Libby reminded staff that Eldon needs a Commissioner’s name tag. Staff will look into this matter. Conrad – none BPC Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 Page 5 Tony – Dennis Harrigan will put the BPC on the list to operate the bike parking area at the Garlic Festival. Tony is not sure what this means. If the BPC will have it for one day or all the days of the Festival but Tony will find out more and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. Tony shared copies of the Road Rights information with the other Commissioners. STAFF COMMENTS BPC Planning Calendar April will be in the Engineering Conference Room. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Special meeting for November. Date? Time? – due to the Commission’s presentation to Council in December. Goals and objectives Re-visit the process of applying for Bicycle Friendly City award. Henry will report to the Commission on this award process. Bike to work Day - Conrad Energizer Station – Conrad ADJOURNMENT: 7:15 ADJOURNMENT TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF Tuesday, March 26, 2013 AT 6:00 PM Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary