06/25/2013 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 07/23/2013 CITY OF GILROY BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AMENDED MINUTES Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:00 p.m. City of Gilroy Council Chambers City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE. Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are co nducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204/shawna.freels@cityofgilroy.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Recreation Department at (408)846-0460. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II) CALL TO ORDER -- 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell, Libby Lai, Vice-Chair, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Chair, Thomas Muniz ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Support Staff COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The Agenda for the Tuesday, June 25, 2013, regular meeting was posted on Friday, June 21, 2013 at 11:45 a.m. in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 2 PUBLIC PRESENT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Regular Meeting (Minutes attached) Thomas made a Motion to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, April 23, 2013 of the BPC regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Conrad and hearing no objections it was so ordered. The Commission agreed to move to New Business and welcome Mayor Don Gage to the meeting. NEW BUSINESS – Visit from Mayor Don Gage - Henry Tony welcomed the Mayor and thanked him for the gift of the cookies. The Mayor explained that he is following the tradition of the previous Mayor by attending and meeting with all City boards and Commissions. Mayor Don Gage is happy to report that the city is in excellent shape from a fiscal point of view. The City has had a balanced budget for the last 4 years and is also balance for the next 2 years. Sales tax revenue increased by 3.4% in the first quarter and has been steadily increasing. The Mayor explained that due to the increase in sales tax the City has been able to hire some additional City staff. The Mayor reported that the New Planning director will start work with the city on July 1. Mayor Gage reported that the City is moving forward with the General Plan Review Committee. The Council is looking for a Committee that represents the whole community to create a great 20 year plan for the future of the City of Gilroy. The review of the City’s General Plan is a very expensive process and this is why it is not done very often. There has been a considerable amount of growth in the City of Gilroy with 350 new homes on the books to be built this year. In 2014 and 2015 there will be continued growth. The Mayor told the Commission that 4 years ago there were no new houses built in Gilroy. The City is not without its problems, one concern is the situation with the homeless population. The Mayor reported that the population of homeless is almost twice what it was last year. On the 15th of July the Mayor and council will meet with the police chief to di scuss this issue. The City of Gilroy provides many services for homeless and this might contribute to the increase in the population. Another issue is the gang problem here in Gilroy. Maria De Leon , Recreation Director, is taking on a project to work with the police department that will look into the increase in gang activity here in Gilroy. The Mayor attended a neighborhood meeting on the east side of Gilroy where a gang related shooting took place. BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 3 The Council retreat was extremely successful and the Mayor was happy wit h discussions that took place with the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Commission, and The Visitor’s Bureau. Mayor Gage is happy to see all of these city agencies working well together for the good of the City of Gilroy. The Mayor thanked Henry for the good job that he is doing since he started with the City. At this time the Mayor invited the Commissioners to ask questions. Eldon asked if the city is planning to hire more workers for the streets department Mayor Gage answered that the City is looking to hire more maintenance workers because they are needed. The Mayor stated that there will be come chip seal work done on some of the City Streets this year and that there will be some new striping with new thermo plastic coating. The Mayor told the Commission that he is not happy with our representative and the passing of this new bill called SB7. The Mayor explained that this bill requires the City to pay prevailing wage on all new projects and if the City does not pay the prevailing wage the City of Gilroy will lose its gas tax monies. The Mayor told the Commission that the City uses gas tax money to repair streets, while it is not a lot of money it does help. The Mayor and the Council is looking at a bond issue to help pay for fixing our parks, repairing sidewalks, repairing streets, and to improve the art center. The Mayor is looking getting rid of a lot of the dangerous unreinforced buildings in the downtown. The Mayor does not want to use reserve funds to make these needed improvements. The Mayor would like to rename the 10th St. off ramp and South Chestnut as the Auto Mall Parkway to help the car dealers in Gilroy. The Mayor would also like to see more thriving restaurants in Gilroy and he would like to help increase the customers to the outlets. All of these items will help Gilroy to thrive in this economy. The Mayor reported to the Commission that an organic food store company is going to build a 700,000 sq. ft storage and distribution center here in Gilroy because of our central location to other surrounding large communities. Tony asked the Mayor to remember the goals of the BPC to help the BPC work with other organizations and other commissions in the city. The Mayor would like to see the community to take more ownership and participate in cleaning up their own neighborhoods and not just sit back and watch the City doing all the wo rk. There is a lot of work that can be done around the City if the residents will become involved and work with City Staff. Libby reminded the Mayor that the BPC wants to be involved with the review process for new development coming into the City. Also, the BPC wants to be involved with educating the public on the proper use of bicycles. Mayor Don Gage told the Commission that he will speak with the school district regarding educating students on proper use of bicycles and bicycle safety. BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 4 Thomas gave the Mayor a little history on how the BPC became a Commission from an Advisory Board. Thomas stated that there are still a lot of projects and work that the Commission can become involved with. The Mayor would like to see the Commission bring these projects to Henry so that he can refine them and then hopefully Henry will bring them to the Mayor and the Council. The Commission thanked the Mayor for attending the meeting and for his continued work for the City. The Mayor thanked the Commissioners for their work. RETURNING TO OLD BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS WALKABLE CITIES – RESOLUTION/PROCLAMATION – Update - Henry http://www.bikewalk.org/pdfs/ncbwpubwalkablecomm.pdf Planning is asking that this document be forwarded with their comments to be included in the circulation element during the General Plan Review process. Henry told the commission that he does not have the document to review with the commission at this time. Henry will bring back the document including Planning comments to the Commission at the July Meeting. BPC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - REVIEW - HENRY Label and identify 3 objectives. 1. Work with downtown merchants to develop bicycle and pedestrian incentives to attract more people to arrive to those businesses by bicycle. 2. To benchmark and identify pedestrian and bicycle trips within Gilroy and establish monitoring by City staff. The data gathered will be used to achieve future grants to promote bicycling and walking. 3. To enhance walkability in Gilroy. Henry is happy to report that ITS (Institute of Transportation Study) at UC Berkeley has agreed to study the City of Gilroy without cost. They have agreed to do three back to back studies. The first one was a Traffic safety evaluation and they have looked at vehicle/vehicle, vehicle/pedestrian, vehicle/bicycle crashes within the City of Gilroy over the last 5 years. This stu dy will produce a report with suggestions for the City of Gilroy and Henry is expecting this report sometime in September. The second is a Bicycle Assessment Survey which will require input from the BPC. This will include looking at and evaluating all the markings on the pavement and locations where gaps need to be closed on the bicycle element. They will also be doing a PSAP – Pedestrian Safety Analysis Program. The PSAP will require input from the BPC. They will be conducting walking audits beginning in mid to late July looking at residential areas, commercial areas, and later the commissioners will be invited to attend one or two walking audits on July 30. BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 5 PSAP – Pedestrian Safety Advisory Program Data gathering stage. Will look at residential, commercial, industrial, hillside areas Would like to have one council member included as well as one member of the planning department. Henry will discuss the target areas with the Commission. Henry would like to separate the elements of the circulation plan – walking, vehicles, and bicycles This is still something that has not been decided and is still being discussed. This will also require working with the School District. The police department will also be involved with these studies. Thomas thanked Henry for all the work he has done on these objectives for the Commission. Tony will be attending the Downtown association meeting to introduce the idea of the BPC working with the Downtown Merchants Association. Libby asked how Henry found out about the work that Berkeley does with cities. Henry explained that part of his job is to be on the lookout for any opportunities to apply for grants. Henry discovered this opportunity, applied for it and the City of Gilroy was accepted to be part of this study. BICYCLE FRIENDLY CITY AWARD APPLICATION- HENRY Henry stated that he does not have much to report to the commission on the application for the Bicycle Friendly City Award. Henry stated that while this is a prestigious award and it is a worthwhile goal for the Commission. Henry also stated that it is a very competitive process. GENERAL PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE NOMINEES - HENRY Please see attached memo from Shawna – city clerk Tony asked Thomas and Libby if they are still interested in serving on this committee. Thomas and Libby are both stated that they are interested in serving on the General Plan Review Committee. The Committee will only accept one name from the BPC. Thomas stated that he feels he has worked hard from the beginning of the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board and helped to move the board forward to become the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. Thomas feels that he has worked hard and he has earned the right to sit on the General Plan Review Committee. Libby also expressed her desire to participate in the General Plan Review Committee and wants to work on this Committee see plans for the whole City not just for one particular interest. After much discussion it was decided to have a ballot vote to determine who would sit on the General Plan Review Committee. A hand written ballot vote was taken and Thomas was chosen to represent the BPC on the General Plan Review Committee. BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS CITY’S DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – REVIEW OF PROJECTS – HENRY Henry stated that the Commission needs to understand their role in the development process. Henry reminded the Commission that they are not part of the Planning Commission so they will not look at land use, density or other areas of concerns of the Planning Department. Some areas of concern that the BPC will consider are bicycle amenities, pedestrian amenities, new parks, ADA requirements, sidewalks, streets – consistent street design - no separate standards for private and public streets, creativity in design – one may exceed the standard, project longevity, lighting, PUD. The BPC will review new development projects remembering that they are not the Planning commission. Henry would like the Commission to keep in mind that any suggestions made should consider the cost to the City and the commission should always have the goal of reducing the cost to the city. Conrad asked how complete streets will work with a new shopping mall project. Henry used Wal Mart as an example when they were able to provide access to public transportation at their new store. In addition, the Wal Mart made a concerted effort to provide a walk way from the sidewalk to the front door. These are all good questions to ask developers as the BPC reviews new projects. Henry told the Commission that all PUD’s (Private Urban Developments) should not just meet standards but exceed standards. The Complete Streets Policy passed by the City Council last fall applies to all developers and as a result all new projects should comply with the Complete Streets Policy. Conrad asked who pays for these new standards. Henry stated that the cost is passed on to new homeowners to pay for infrastructure. Henry stated that developers may be asked to use LED lights as part of new develop guidelines to help the City save money on energy costs. Henry stated that projects will come to the BPC, to the Planning Commission and then to Council. Although in cases of the downtown it might also go to the Historic Heritage Commission and if the new development has to do with a park it may go to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Henry will provide copies of the overhead presentation to those commissioners who would like them. Henry would like the Commission take a vote to accept these guidelines while reviewing new development projects. Thomas made the motion to accept the development review process as presented by Henry for the BPC. The motion was SECONDED BY ELDON hearing no objections it was so ordered. CITY’S GENERAL PLAN REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE (GPAC) - Henry Henry stated that the applications for “at large” members of the community who want to become a part of the General Plan Review Committee will be released to the public soon. BPC Meeting Minutes June 25, 2013 Page 7 CORRESPONDENCE Henry reminded the Commissioners to complete the OGO training. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS VTA-BPAC MEETING – THOMAS MUNIZ May 15th meeting – took action on the trail development project for the Ronan trail. Eigleberry St. resurfacing project – this is going to happen via grant funding. COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS Libby – nothing Thomas – nothing Conrad – successful energizer station/twice as many participants/30 goodie bags given away Tony – very happy with the energizer station event/it was very successful/Apple employees from Gilroy Eldon – would like to bring attention to the El Roble Park – missing sign – “school crossing”/Wren Ave. and also the 6th St. bridge – on the west side there is a problem with pavement. STAFF COMMENTS Kids Triathlon – info for the Commissioners BPC PLANNING CALENDAR There will be a regular meeting of the BPC in July. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Bike to work Day – debrief Outside dining in the downtown-info and Bike Rack in front of Garlic Café in the downtown – Update - Henry Update on Grants/funding – Henry Monterey duets/KB Homes/Luchessa & Monterey - New Projects – Update – Henry The agenda setting meeting is held the Monday before the Meeting. 8:35 p.m. adjournment ADJOURNMENT TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF Tuesday, July 23, 2013 AT 6:00 PM Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary