08/27/2013 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/24/2013 CITY OF GILROY Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Agenda AUGUST MINUTES Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE. Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are co nducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204/shawna.freels@cityofgilroy.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Recreation Department at (408)846-0460. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II) CALL TO ORDER 6:02pm ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell, Libby Lai, Vice-Chair, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Chair, Thomas Muniz ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Tuesday, August 27, 2013 meeting was posted in the window of the foyer near the council chambers on Thursday, August 22, 2013, at 9:25 a.m. by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) PUBLIC PRESENT None. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Amended Minutes from Tuesday, June 25, 2013 (Minutes attached). Approval of minutes of Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Regular Meeting (Minutes attached). July 23, 2013 - Minutes Libby move to approve the July minutes and Conrad 2 nd the motion to approve the minutes of July 2013 and hearing no objections it was so ordered. June 25, 2013 - Minutes Henry explained to the Commissioners that the commission must re do the vote for the selection of a member to the General Plan Advisory Committee. Libby moved to approve the June minutes as amended and Thomas 2nd the motion, hearing no objections it was so ordered. OLD BUSINESS A. Walkable Cities – Resolution/Proclamation – Update - Henry http://www.bikewalk.org/pdfs/ncbwpubwalkablecomm.pdf Henry has nothing new to report other than he is continuing to work on language for the proclamation/resolution. Thomas reminded the Commission that the Commissioners were asked to do some homework to help them decide whether or not the new resolution is needed in addition to the City’s Complete Streets resolution. Thomas explained that his understanding of complete streets is that it is driven by legislation and that its adoption gives the City the ability to obtain grants. Thomas wanted clarification from Henry that this program is consistent with other cities? Henry explained that the City of Gilroy would be one of the first cities to adopt its own Walkable cities resolution. Conrad feels that creating a new Walkable cities resolution would help the city in obtaining grants in the future. Libby is also in favor of creating a Walkable cities resolution to be added to the City’s Complete Streets Resolution. Libby will add a paragraph to the draft giving information on the BPC’s work with other organizations in Gilroy such as the Downtown Association. Libby stated that she will be happy to add any other language to the draft that the Commissioners feel would be helpful. Henry stated to the Commission that he would welcome those changes. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 3 B. COMPLETE STREETS RESOLUTION - HENRY Henry told the Commission that for the most part the work has been done on the Complete Streets Resolution and the City Council passed the Complete Streets Resolution last November of 2012. The Resolution has allowed the City to achieve significant grant capture such as the two OBAG grants, one for the Ronan Channel trail and the other for the Eigleberry Street refurbishment project. Henry handed out copies of an article titled Smart Growth America Article, “Complete Streets Help Create Livable communities”. Henry explained that the article contains a lot of information and definitions on complete streets. Libby asked Henry how are all of the other departments being made aware of Complete Streets. Henry told the Commission that since the Complete Streets Resolution is fairly new there is not a lot of definition yet and he is working with Teresa Mack to develop engineering standards that justify wider sidewalks, bike lanes, tree shading and other examples of complete streets elements. Updating engineering standards should be completed and wrapped by the end of this year. Thomas asked the commission that they keep in mind that many updates will be completed in the general plan review process. Thomas feels confident that the City is doing its part to incorp orate complete streets whenever possible. Henry stated that one of the outcomes the Commission would seek, as developers come forward with their projects and present them to the BPC with the inclusion of the language of Complete Streets, the Commissioners will be able to ask direct questions and developers will be accountable to this Commission to see that they are including amenities for walking and biking within the project. C. INFORMATION/UPDATE ON CONTACT PERSON AT GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - HENRY Henry reported that Alvaro Meza has recently joined Gilroy Unified School District as an assistant superintendent responsible for all facilities for all of the schools in Gilroy. Mr. Me za has contacted Henry and stated that he is looking forward to working with the Commission to promote safe routes to school. D. GILROY – PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS – TERESA MACK/ HENRY It was agreed that the Commissioners would move from the dais to the side table in order to better view the drawings. Teresa gave staff and each Commissioner a memo with all of the projects listed. Teresa shared a map with the Commission that showed each of the projects listed on the memo. Please see attached copy of memo for additional details. Item 1: Removal/replacement of 109.3’ of curb/gutter/driveway - a serious grading and drainage problem that is creating a Vector control problem with standing water issues. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 4 Item 2: Santa Teresa Blvd. – extension of a median that is causing traffic problems caused by the driveway that exits from a commercial site onto Santa Teresa Blvd. Item 3: Construction of 75 linear feet of 5’ wide sidewalk – 9th St. closing existing gap in sidewalk. Item 4: Construction of 370 linear feet of 5’ wide sidewalk W. side of Chestnut St. to close gap in sidewalk and to install ramps at the corners. Item 5: Remove/replace sidewalk/curb/gutter at alley of Church St. north of Gurries Drive. Item 6: Remove/replace sidewalk/curb/gutter 322 linear feet near intersection at Chestnut & Murray. This will also correct drainage problems. Item 7: Remove and replace several panels of damaged sidewalk along Luchessa. Item 8: Remove and replace a section of damaged sidewalk at city hall. The bid opening for the project is October 2, 2013 and the bid results will be presented to the City council on October 21, 2013 for the approval of the award of the bid to the low bidder. The engineer’s estimate of the construction cost is $148,872. Thomas asked Henry to get copies for the Commission of the sidewalk gap study that was done several years ago. Henry stated that he will bring this to the next meeting for the Commission. At this point in the meeting the Commissioners returned to the dais. NEW BUSINESS A. SELECTION OF A BPC COMMISSIONER TO SERVE ON GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE - HENRY After some discussion Libby made a motion that the BP Commission vote to appoint Thomas to the General Plan Review Committee. Conrad 2nd the motion. It was a unanimous vote in favor of appointing Thomas to the General Plan Review Committee. Seeing no objections it was so ordered. B. MONTHLY DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS - HENRY Henry reported that he had nothing new to present to the Commission but told the Commission there will be several development projects for the Commissioners to review at the September Meeting. Libby asked how many projects will be presented next meeting? Henry stated that there will be 3 for sure and possibly as many as 5. The developer will have to present their plans to the Commission as an extra step in the review process. The Commission will review those plans that might affect bicyclists and pedestrians when making plans for new developments. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 5 Thomas asked about a proposed development at Las Animas along the east side of 101 and what is the status of the project? Henry reported that the developer has submitted documents for review but at this point have indicated that they are not ready to move forward. Thomas wants all developers to present to the Commission how the developer will incorporate Complete Streets into the new development. Thomas would like the developer to explain how their new development will address bicyclists and pedestrians concerns within the development and outside the development. Henry will compile all of the Commissioner’s questions and prepare a list to give to the developer so the developer can be prepared before making their presentation to the BPC. Tony asked Henry to inform developers that the Commission is aware of the value of their time and will plan meetings accordingly. C. SAFE CYCLING CLASS – DISCUSSION – HENRY Henry reported to the Commission that the Police department and other department s are in support of an Adult Safe Cycling Class. The question is how to implement the class and make it successful. Tony would like to see shop owners, bicycle groups or bicycle manufacturers sponsor or support the class. Tony is willing to working on getting local businesses to support this education program. Tony made a motion asking that Henry provide the Commission with some costs estimates on have the Adult Safe Cycling Class. Eldon seconded the motion. Hearing no objections it was so ordered. Libby would like to see the police department working with the schools to do some type of bicycle safety education during the school day either in individual class rooms or at a school assembly. Henry will extend the invitation to the police department to have a discussion on enforcement of bicyclist issues. D. DISCUSSION OF BPC PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL – DECEMBER 2013 – HENRY Henry let the commission know that he is open to begin taking items and topics to be included in the BPC Presentation to Council. Tony stated that in the past year the Commission has made significant progress in terms of reaching out to organizations such as the Downtown Association, the Chamber of Commerce and making them aware of the BPC. At this point in the meeting Eldon asked if the BPC could move to the Commissioner’s Reports and have Commissioner Thomas give his VTA-BPAC Meeting report. After Thomas’ report Eldon asked that the Commissioners’ return to Item D – Discussion of BPC Presentation to Council for December. All agreed. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 6 COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS VTA-BPAC Meeting Thomas did attend the meeting on Wednesday, August 7th. Thomas did forward an email to the Commissioners regarding the Bay Area Bike Share Pilot Program. Thomas reported that in many other cities they have corporate sponsors for their bike share programs to help offset the cost. Thomas feels that this is going to be a very successful program in many cities. Santa Clara County has a representative on the VTA-BPAC to begin working on updating the county’s general plan and circulation element. Thomas wants to remind the Commission that there are many County roads in and around Gilroy and these roads will be included in this new County update. BPC returned to Item D: Discussion of BPC Presentation to City Council - December 2013 Libby would like to see all of the commissioners attend the council meeting when the BPC gives their presentation to the city council. D. DISCUSSION OF BPC PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL – DECEMBER 2013 – HENRY - CONT’D Libby suggested looking at the BPC objectives again to review what goals and objectives the commission would like to work on in 2014. Libby wants to see the recent study that was done with the Berkeley study group be included in the BPC’s presentation to City Council. Libby would like to see all of the BPC Commissioners attend the Council meeting when the BPC does its presentation to the City Council. Tony stated the accomplishment of becoming part of the development review process should also be included. Tony wants to include the annual Bike to work day event. Conrad would like the Commission to look at what the BPC needs to continue to work on for the future. The Commission has a representative on the General Plan Committee. Tony stated that a continuing goal would be to continue to review and look at the Leavesley Road/1 st Street corridor. The BPC would like to continue to bring this area to the attention of the city Council and to the County. Libby would like to include the bicycle friendly committee goals to achieve the Bicycle Friendly Award Committee. Henry would like to see the commission provide goals and objectives to the City Council. This would not be out of line for the Commission to do. And let the Council know what is expected to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians in the City of Gilroy. BPC Meeting Minutes August 27, 2013 Page 7 Thomas also wants to emphasize the complete streets plan. Thomas would like to include a trails plan and a pedestrian plan. Thomas wants to let the council know that this is a priority of the commission. Eldon would like the Council to know how serious the Commission is about accomplishing a lot for the benefit of the City. Libby would like to see a sub-committee to begin working on the presentation and then bring it to the Commission for refinement before it is presented to the City Council. Libby made a motion for the BPC to have a sub -committee to develop the presentation to city council. Tony seconded the motion. Hearing no objections it was so ordered. Tony, Libby and Eldon will be on the sub-committee working with Henry. Henry will ask what the time limit is for the presentation. CORRESPONDENCE A. none B. COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS Eldon asked Henry if the signal lights on First St. will be synchronized. Henry will find out if this is possible. Thomas – none Libby – shared the newspaper article, Gilroy’s Scariest Streets with the Commission. Libby would like this to be a topic for discussion with the Police when they attend the meeting. Henry gave the Commissioners some clarification on the statistics quoted in the newspaper article. Conrad – None Tony – Libby and Tony worked the Garlic Festival and had a wonderful time. STAFF COMMENTS A. BPC Planning Calendar No plans for rodeo. 5 k – Great Garlic 5K FUNraiser – info for Commissioners – staff will provide information to Commission AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No new items UC Berkeley – PSAP Study – update - Henry Cost analysis for the bike class Developers Adjourn 7:55 p.m. ADJOURNMENT TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF Tuesday, September 24, 2013 AT 6:00 PM Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary