09/24/2013 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/26/2013 CITY OF GILROY BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PRELIMINARY MINUTES Tuesday, September 24, 2013 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE. Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are co nducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204/shawna.freels@cityofgilroy.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Recreation Department at (408)846-0460. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II) CALL TO ORDER 6:09 pm ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell, Libby Lai, Vice-Chair, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Chair, Thomas Muniz ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary ABSENT Conrad Lather - excused COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The Agenda for the Tuesday, September 24, 2013, regular meeting was posted on Friday, September 20, 2013 at 3:45 p.m. in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) BPC SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 PAGE 2 PUBLIC PRESENT None present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Regular Meeting (Minutes attached). Libby moved and Thomas 2nd the Motion to approve the minutes of Tuesday, August 27, 2013 and hearing no objections it was so ordered. OLD BUSINESS Walkable Cities – Resolution/Proclamation – Update - Henry http://www.bikewalk.org/pdfs/ncbwpubwalkablecomm.pdf Henry gave each Commissioner a copy of the Addendum to Complete Streets resolution. Henry asked Libby to give a brief overview of the document. Henry stated to the Commission that with the Commission’s approval the document will move forward to be presented to the various departments and commissions, ultimately presented to City Council. Libby did review the document and stated to the Commission that she was surprised that this process has taken almost a year. Libby stated that the Commission will take on the job of updating the Bicycle Pla n and to begin work on a Pedestrian Plan. Libby stated that the BPC’s representative to the General Plan Review Committee , Thomas, will work to incorporate this document into the City’s General Plan. Libby stated that the goal is to ensure that all users will have an equal and safe ability to travel throughout the City of Gilroy. This includes, motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, both adults and children, creating a community that feels safe. Henry asked if any of the commissioners had any questions. Thomas asked for more clarity and explanation on how this document will be a complementary document to the City’s Complete Streets Resolution. Thomas stated that the paragraph which states that the BPC will work closely with the Gilroy police department….Thomas feels that this paragraph needs to be reworded. Thomas stated that the BPC is not going to be enforcing any laws etc. Henry suggested that perhaps instead of stating that the BPC will work clos ely with the Gilroy Police Department, perhaps stating that the BPC will support the Police Department in their enforcement of the current laws etc. BPC SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 PAGE 3 Libby felt it was most important to state that the BPC is focused on developing communications and relationships with community organizations such as the Downtown Business Association, cyclist’s organizations and the Welcome Center. Henry will work on the revisions to the addendum. Henry also suggested the inclusion of the Parks and Recreation Department. Henry will include the document from November 2012 and the resolution to provide some background for this document. Tony feels that this is a fluid document that will grow and change as the BPC learns and gains more experience in the area of Complete Streets and its implementation. Henry asked the Commission to make a motion to both move forward and approve this document with the proposed changes or to wait until the changes are made and then vote to approve it. Thomas made a motion to approve the document with the proposed changes and Eldon seconded the motion. Seeing no objections it was so ordered. BICYCLE FRIENDLY CITY AWARD APPLICATION - HENRY Henry stated there is nothing new to report at this time. Henry will provide a copy of the trails master plan to each of the Commissioners. UC BERKELEY – PSAP STUDY REPORT – UPDATE - HENRY Henry gave each Commissioner a draft of the first part of the Study report. Henry asked that the Commissioners review this preliminary document and come back to the next meeting with their comments or questions. Thomas spoke to the concern of the bike lane southbound on Leavesley at the freeway. Thomas also stated the crosswalks are not well maintained and barely visible in some areas. Henry stated that he will take a look at the markings on the pavement and find out how and when the markings can be improved. Libby asked if the City has some rules to follow when they do painting on the streets. Henry stated that there are rules but they are rather flexible. Henry stated that looking at Chestnut and 10th St. Henry told the commission that this intersection needs some improvements as far as signal and pavement markings. Not only to accommodate the motorists but the pedestrians as well. Henry did tell the Commission that it may cost the City some money but this intersection needs improvement. Henry told the commission that there is a plan to upgrade many existing signals with “countdown pedestrian signals”, audible/chirping pedestrian signals and highly tactile crossing buttons. BPC SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 PAGE 4 At Luchessa and Monterey the developer, K&B Homes will be fixing the signals at this intersection and doing some bike lane striping on Monterey. Henry pointed out on the top page 15, this area is noted because of the high traffic volume US 101 southbound ramps at Leavesley, about 30,000 cars a day travel thru this intersection. The dilemma is that the bike lanes are very tight and it was suggested that perhaps narrow the traffic lanes a bit or possible reduce the number of lanes of traffic to make a wider shoulder for bike lanes. The concern is the nearby retail centers need lots of street capacity during the heaviest shopping periods. Henry stated that this area will take some study to come up with a solution. Thomas liked the suggestion of narrowing the existing 3 lanes on each side as a sol ution to the problem. Another study area, the 1st and Wren intersection has wide sidewalks, a lot of bus service, pedestrians and traffic. The striping needs to be refreshed. Henry stated that unfortunately there have been quite a few incidents. Pacheco Pass Hwy and Camino Arroyo has a large number of large trucks in that area and it is an important commercial corridor to the State and there is also a lot of cross traffic. Also included in the report was the suggestion that the Commission do some edu cational outreach to the community at large. The study also suggested a quicker method of gathering accident information, perhaps a database. COST ANALYSIS FOR BICYCLE SAFETY CLASS – HENRY Henry stated that he is looking for grants and a collaborative partnership with the Police Department to provide this class. The Police department told Henry that they cannot provide staffing for this class at this time. Henry also spoke with the Public Information Officer, Joe Kline, and he is willing to put educational materials onto the city’s web site. Henry will continue to look for grants and any other means of providing a class on Bicycle Safety. Tony reported that the Rotary Club of Morgan Hill held a “Bike Fest” free bike tune -ups were provided and bike helmets were given away. Tony stated that the event lasted 4 or 5 hours and was sponsored by Specialized Bikes in Morgan Hill. Libby stated that she felt the previous class sponsored by the BPC was not successful because the language describing the class was a little intimidating. Commissioner Lai suggested that the Commission take a serious look at the language used to describe the class on any flyers or in the Recreation Department’s activity guide. BPC SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 PAGE 5 NEW BUSINESS ROUNDABOUTS INFORMATIONAL REPORT - HENRY Special presentation on the installation of roundabouts in the city of Gilroy – Henry Henry reported to the Commission that he has made the Roundabouts presentation to the City Council, Planning and to other groups. A roundabout is a circular intersection where traffic flows in one direction, you enter on the right but drive to the left in a counter clockwise fashion until you reach your exit location, there is usually a center island that can be landscaped or have other amenities. An important feature of the roundabout is that it requires entering vehicles to yield to traffic already in the roundabout. A roundabout can be multi -laned and accommodate large vehicles, buses, fire trucks, pedestrians and bicycles. Roundabouts cost less than installing traffic signals and provide a level of safety that you do not have with traditional traffic signals. Pedestrians are more protected while crossing in a roundabout. Traffic should not stop at any time inside of a roundabout. If there is an emergency vehicle approaching the roundabout, you should exit the roundabout and then pull over to the right to allow the emergency vehicle to proceed. Vehicles must travel at 20 mph or less inside the roundabout in order to safely navigate thru the roundabout. Roundabouts have reduced collisions. It is important to know that collisions with injuries have been reduced by 75% and fatal collisions have been reduced by 90%. Roundabouts do not eliminate collisions but they do significantly reduce the number of collisions. Henry told the Commission that recently several developers have approached the City for advice regarding the implementation of the new Complete Streets resolution in the City of Gilroy. Henry has suggested roundabouts to developers as a safer means of moving traffic throughout the City. New roundabouts could be paid for by developers. The center island inside of the roundabout can be landscaped or it can be paved to minimize maintenance costs. There are several locations in Gilroy that would be well served by installing a roundabout. Henry would recommend a roundabout for the area of a new street called Autumn Street at 152. One other location would be in the future when 3rd Street will travel east,connecting to Santa Teresa Blvd. Henry feels that the existing intersection at 3rd and Santa Teresa Blvd. could be improved by a roundabout, as well as Miller @ Santa Teresa Blvd., 10th St. at Santa Teresa Blvd. and Luchessa at Thomas Rd. New roundabouts could be paid for by developers working in the City of Gilroy. Henry would like the City of Gilroy to adopt standards for roundabouts and he will make this proposal to City Council at the December Meeting, possibly the same meeting that the BPC will give its presentation to the Council. BPC SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 PAGE 5 CORRESPONDENCE Staff gave a report on the 5K and invited the Commissioners to attend this popular event. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS VTA-BPAC MEETING No meeting but there was a workshop that Thomas did attend on September 11, 2013. One item Thomas wanted to share with the Commissioners is the Safe routes to transit grant. Part of the grant will be to fund a countywide pedestrian access to transit plan. COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS Tony – none Libby – attended the Paseo meeting. The committee will be going to council on October 21, 2013. Eldon – none Thomas – Will be attending the first general plan review committee meeting on October 9, 2013. Conrad - absent STAFF COMMENTS Henry will not be attending the October meeting. Teresa Mack will be attending. Staff will find out the exact date for the BPC presentation and email the date to the Commissioners. BPC Planning Calendar AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Run thru draft of BPC presentation to council. Adjournment: 8:10pm ADJOURNMENT TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF Tuesday, October 22, 2013 AT 6:00 PM Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary BPC PLANNING CALENDAR JANUARY - 2013 11th & 12th City Council Retreat Goals & Objectives Review Chair/Vice Chair Election BPC Reg. Meeting FEBRUARY BPC Reg. Meeting MARCH Walk & Roll to School - Spring 26th – BPC Reg. Meeting APRIL Terra Bella Bicycle Ride Council Proclamation/National Bike Month 23rd – Reg. Meeting/Engineering Conference Room MAY 9th - Bike to Work Day National Bike Week National Bike Month Bicycle Skills Class Tour of California 28th – BPC Reg. Meeting JUNE 25th – BPC Reg. Meeting JULY 4th of July Parade/Activities 13th -Recreation’s Kids Triathlon 23rd – BPC Reg. Meeting AUGUST 27th – BPC Reg. Meeting SEPTEMBER Gilroy Bicycle Rodeo Safe Cycling Class 24th – BPC Reg. Meeting OCTOBER 22rd – BPC Meeting 26th - Great Garlic 5K Fundraiser Prep BPC presentation to Council NOVEMBER Cancellation of December’s Meeting Special Meeting –PREP FOR-Presentation to Council 26th- BPC Meeting DECEMBER Turning Wheels for Kids 24th – BPC Reg. Meeting – Cancelled BPC Presentation to City Council 25th - Mayor attending BPC Meeting