11/25/2014 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/27/2015** DRAFT ** MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 CALL TO ORDER 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Vice Chair Libby Lai, Conrad Lather, Chair Tony Marandos TARDY Thomas Muniz – 6:38 p.m. arrival ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Georgina Sanchez, Contract Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Tuesday, November 25, 2014, Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was po sted on Friday, November 21, 2014, in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Marandos moved to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission regular meeting, it was second by Commissioner Servin and hearing no objectives it was approved. OLD BUSINESS A. Street Service Requests: Henry Servin gave a brief update saying the recommendations asked for at the prior meeting has begun on Miller and 3rd, Miller and 6th and 8th and Princevalle. Reports are not completed but will be by next meeting. B. How to present commission finding to planning commission and City Council: Henry Servin went over the “Auto Trip Reduction Statement” (draft form) from the Valley Transportation Authority for consideration for non-vehicular trips. Form listed items that commissioners may want to consider with the goal being applicants would fill it out, staff would provide a site or aerial map for ease of seeing what the applicant is proposing without having to look up or go to site. Henry stated he added in pencil, changes that the commissioners had suggested and covered each section in much detail. Commissioners will study the form and discuss at next meeting, Commissioner Lai suggested that more should be added for pedestrians in the way of benches, safety (ADA compliant) and amenities of which Henry agreed. Commission Lather raised a question on crowding with new development, limited parking when homes have multiple families possibly living at the residence; what feedback can be given by the developer on this topic. Henry said to seek this type of information a soft measure (informational only) could possibly be introduce somewhere during the planning stages in the way of an optional form for the developers to complete or introduce to the City Council “guidelines” we would like to incorporate with their approval. Henry mentio ned that he would have to look into how this could affect the development fee process mentioning a 5% credit for trip reduction underneath those fee’s they would have to show what they are doing with amenities. Commissioner Marandos makes a motion, ayes are given, motion carries. C. Discuss Saturday Coffee with the Mayor Dates: Commissioners agree on 2/21/14 as a date for “Coffee with the Mayor” and will seek pedestrian and/or bicyclists attendance with the focus being on gathering pedestrian/bike oriented comments. Commissioner Marandos makes a motion, ayes are given, motion carries. NEW BUSINESS A. Wren Avenue Investors, applicant Dick Oliver: Henry Servin introduce the applicant who provided a handout of the proposed area, it is an urban service amendment which would not normally be seen but because it is a change to the city boundaries he was asked to come to show his concept plan. Mr. Oliver stated he is the President of Divident Homes, been a developer for more than 40 years, spoke to the pl ans which are outside city boundaries and how he would appreciate the commissioners support since this is the third time he is bring this proposal forward with staff approval after purchasing the are over ten years ago. Mr. Oliver pointed out the amount of acreage that will be used, owners of certain parcels, pointing out the existing pathway of the Santa Clara County District channel that runs through the properties which could be an excellent opportunity to tie into for a pedestrian/bicycle like pathway. Much planning still needs to be done but he is hoping for LAFCO approval sometime next year. Henry directs questions to the commissioners noting that Sue Martin, Planning Division Manager was available for any city type process questions. Commissioner Laid asked how many homes would be in development; Mr. Oliver stated approximately 450 homes. Commissioner Muniz asked about amenities whereas Mr. Oliver stated they have not gotten that far but would take a look at the higher density areas. Questions on sidewalk widths and VTA access were asked of which Mr. Oliver stated it would be the standard width for sidewalks and Henry clarified that VTA does not support that area as yet but could. Any businesses in the area on the plans were a city requirement so questions on what type of businesses would be dependent on the city. Henry concluded that any recommendations at this point are captured through the notes and will be forwarded to Mr. Oliver through the planning division. As the applicant stated, this is a very preliminary plan and it requires a county review and Henry’s sure they will see specifics come back at a later time. B. Gilroy Townhomes – Imwalle Properties, LLC, applicant: Don Imwalle, President and John Razumich from Imwalle Properties were introduced by Henry who thanked the commission for their important work of keeping bicycles on the road. Don states the project is on 10.3 acres and would consist of 205 town homes on 1st and Santa Teresa, that their project is very different due to meeting the minimum threshold of zoning so project may look a little dense but keeping in mind their efforts to keep as much open recreational space with pedestrian protection throughout along with amenities. Plans were provided to the commissioners at which point Commissioner Muniz felt more time was needed to form questions due to the amount of information given and complexity of the plans and would rather see a presentation that shows pedestrian/bicycle type information. John apologized for the lack of that type of presentation but due to the short notice would have an open dialogue. Don proceeded to go through the documents explaining the pathways that included sites for bikes parking, trails, landscapes and 10 ft. sidewalk. Also pointing out the corner of 1st and Santa Teresa would be an area to congregate, an amenity area. Commissioner Muniz asked if the bike trail extends, Henry stated that there is a Class 1 bike trail that does not extend at this time which is one of the challenges in the area, the plans being shown are on-site conditions, off-site are still under review. He states that at some point the developers that reach that area could be obligated to handle or based on traffic impacts require developers to extend and mitigate where practical some of the areas hopefully tying in all of the areas. Thomas Muniz expressed concern that plans did not clearly show bike/pedestrian walkways and crosswalks on 1st Street, suggestion was made by Tony Marandos about a crosswalk by Kelton and 1st but that was considered too busy of a street. Henry summarized by saying that staff/applicant is still in the process of on-site development and there will still be some plan review with the applicant where we will request stripes on First St. and sidewalk widths in addition to striping along Santa Teresa as well as a bike lane and program it so that it extends beyond the intersection so that others can continue the work along Santa Teresa. Henry mentioned to the commissioners that they can request information and he would provide answers at a subsequent meeting or as the off-site improvements become known he could have the applicant appear again. Commissioner Lai agreed to wanting more detail due to this intersection (1st and Santa Teresa) being such an important part of the city. Henry stated that different versions of the plan will be available as it goes along. C. General Plan Update – Circulation Element Prequel: Henry Servin provided a copy of the Santa Clara County Circulator and Mobility Planning Project plan, SCC is updating their current South County plan which hasn’t been done since 1974. The objective was to revisit all South County roads, showing lanes going from two-lane to three and four lanes; they wanted to scale back road expansion plans to reflect current plans and projections with Gilroy and Morgan Hill. There was a focus on operational/safety improvements, wider shoulders and drainage areas, realignments, turn lanes where needed and planned wider rights-of- way. Henry went through briefly all the power-point pages. Points mentioned was trail improvements, bike routes and a website for community input. Henry said this has been presented to the general plan update group for their review for dialogue to the county and that he will respond by saying that we are updating our own plan and would like SCC to work with us on our recommendations. Thomas would like the final comments or input be given at a future meeting before the response back to the county. Henry will come back with notes he has taken to go over before the three month deadline to respond to the county. It was agreed. CORRESPONDENCE - NONE COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Valley Transportion Authority Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting by Mr. David Almeida: Henry says Mr. Almeidia has been sworn in and given information on the committee and was told he could attend to present if he wish but it seemed as though he did not today. B. General Plan Update Committee by Commissioner Thomas Muniz: Thomas stated the last couple of meetings had great presentations going into this general plan. Each member had their input as to the vision for Gilroy, talking about “small town” even though Thomas sees Gilroy being developed into a modern city and that the key is to balance and preserve agriculture, have a smart development, friendly growth, do it wisely. One presentation on “Planning for a Healthy Community” talked about pedestrian walking, access to produce, all projects that would have access to nearby grocery store. Another presentation on trends on building in U.S. and Silicon Valley which made Thomas think of how it relates to Gilroy, with the current plans with amenities which is a positive. Stan Ketchum gave a p resentation on the body of people that have a say on the development of Gilroy and until the urban areas are developed there will not be much expansion. C. Commissioner’s Announcements – Thomas did apologize for being late and likes the LED lightening around town which Henry mentioned it was a $164K savings a year. Conrad Lather mentioned he would be retiring, the commissioners started thanking him for his help and efforts on the commission. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – They talked about licensing bikes but nothing really was said. ADJOURN – 8:15 p.m.