02/24/2015 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/24/2015MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, February 24, 2015 CALL TO ORDER 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Tony Marandos (Chair), Libby Lai (Vice -Chair), Leonardo Gonzalez, Present: Thomas Muniz arrived at 6:18 p.m. Absent: Eldon Chappell ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Zinnia Menchaca -Navarro, Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY'S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Tuesday, February 24, 2015, Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, February 20 2015 at 4:00 pm in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner, Marandos asked commissioners for review of the meeting minutes of Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission regular meeting; Commissioner Gonzalez, pointed out the following changes need to be made; under new business, item A, 3'd row down, the year should read 2001 not 2011 and on the 5th row down, the verbiage "with VTA" should be deleted. Commissioner Marandos stated under new business Item C, on the "Bike to Work" day, although we had 3 last year, this year we will be focusing on 1 station at the Cal station in the morning. Also, on the agenda, under Old Business for the item 3, "Bike to Work Day", the correct date should read May 14, 2015 not May 15, 2015. Upon addressing the discrepancies, the meeting minutes were motioned for approval. Motion by Commissioner, Gonzalez. Second by Commissioner, Lai. OLD BUSINESS A. Election of Officer: All were in favor to postpone the election of Chair and Vice -Chair for the following month of March. Motion to postpone and carry over to March meeting approved. B. Development Review Checklist: Staff person Henry Servin reviewed the Auto Trip Reduction (ATR) Statement. Proposed will be made and forwarded to the planning, development review engineers and seek comments. This (ATR) is to be included as an additional check list for development review. Staff person Servin will submit comments from staff and bring back to commission meeting. That concludes his report. C. Bike to Work Day, Thursday May 14th, 2015, Staff member Servin stated it's time to prepare for this event. Last Year, former commissioner Conrad Lather ran this event. Staff has reserved table and awning for the train station location. We are requesting commissioner's efforts to help staff and gather donatable plastic water bottles for any individual choosing to participate. Any desire to staff the tables would be appreciated. Commissioner Marandos will participate in reaching out to local stores such as Safeway and Nob Hill in donating various foods. Commission Lai, sent an email to one of the writers of "Out and About" magazine about our "Bike to work" day and about the coming Mayor's coffee and Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting. Commission Lai, suggested starting a proclamation. Staff member Henry Servin to confirm the actual date. Commissoner Lai, suggested we should think of someone or a group, we can honor, her suggestion was Almaden Cycling who have donated to the city in the past; donated $1000.00 to help with cost of the "sharrows" and signage on 6th street. Commissioner Lai, read an article in "Out and About", which stated Ashley Cohen from Gilroy, CA recently took 2nd place in the 2014 USA BMX Grand Nationals. Staff Member Servin stated city staff can write a tax letter, but cannot solicit the individual firms, and requests having the commissioners reach out to them. Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition is someone reach out to. Commissioner Gonzalez did research and went on website on the history of "Bike to Work Day", it was initially started by the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, it seems it was intended to get people that worked or attended school within a 5 mile radius. Last year, most likely the 25 riders served at the train depot were commuters, not necessarily participants on the "Bike to Work Day", his suggestion is why don't we focus on local high school putting time and effort into local commuters. For next month, Commissioner Gonzalez volunteered to go out to Cal Train on a Thursday and do survey of counting bicyclist. If it's the same #, maybe focus on other plans; this will provide a baseline. Staff, Henry Servin, stated staff will prepare the proclamation date and it's requested to have subcommittee nominate or decide who to invite, Ashley Cohen, or Almaden Cycling Club to honor. Commissioner Lai and Commissioner Marandos will coordinate with one another. D. Coffee with the Mayor and Bicycle Pedestrian Commission: The date of Saturday, March 21, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m. will be a joint gathering to include the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee. All commissioners, can meet as a committee to discuss topics. Mayor has requested a brief agenda or free form gathering so that he's aware in advance of the topics/concerns. He's offered to provide pastries, cookies, and juice for general public. Meeting will be conducted in the Council Chambers. Commission Lai, sent an email to editor at Gilroy Dispatch informing them we will be having a coffee meeting for pedestrians and bicyclist on the 21't of March to have citizens bring their concerns. Commission Lai offered to type up an agenda with one of the first items to be safety concerns; road conditions, signage, intersection, elderly. We need to talk about these topics. She asked commissioners for suggestions. As a trail advocate, Commissioner Marandos, asked about the expansion of trails alongside creek. What can mayor do to lobby Central Valley Water District in terms to the expansion of the trails with existing service maintenance roads creek alignments here in Gilroy. Staff person, Servin stated Gilroy has established Uvas Creek Trails under permit of the Santa Clara Valley Water District and maintained by the City of Gilroy. NEW BUSINESS A. Police Department Report on Safety Grants: Moved to next month as Sgt. Kurt Ashley was not in attendance. North Gilroy Neighborhood District -Presentation: Richard James from the EMC Consultants, Planning group has been retained to examine an Urban Service Area Amendment. The presentation is at an early stage to provide us a "sneak peak". The site is 721 acres located primarily in County territory north of the Gilroy city limits. Most of the site is designated Neighborhood District in the City's General Plan. The site is bounded (general) by Monterey Road on the east, existing city limits on the south, Santa Teresa Boulevard on the west, and Fitzgerald Avenue on the north. Under the proposed land use and circulation the project is currently under consideration in the amendment to the City's USA, no detailed bicycle or pedestrian planning has occurred at this time, Conceptual land use designs and a general circulation framework for the site are under development by the applicant in consultation with City staff. Santa Teresa Boulevard and Monterey Road are proposed to be developed with four lanes of traffic, Class II bike lanes and a wide sidewalk. A north -south bicycle pedestrian paseo is proposed within the active adult neighborhood, to the west of Monterey Road. Commissioner, Gonzalez asked Richard James in the initial stage of development to please take into consideration the rising and setting of the sun as it may create "blind" spots creating accidents between vehicles and bicyclist. C. Complete Street Policy: Staff member, Henry Servin brought up a discussion of interest. State now requires all cities have a Complete Street Policy in place and use it in their evaluation of all future developments beginning on 1/1/2016; this element must be included. The city is taking a key interest in making sure to adopt a clear and forward policy that can be implemented. Staff proposes to work with BPC over coming months as adopted by City Council 2012 and meet the states intent and bring it back to the commissioner staff. Unique opportunity to be brought before City Council and Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. It may require revisions, Keen interest to adopt the Street Policy, on the coming months. Unique opportunity brought before planning commission. With the help of consultants, staff will be capable of presenting each process and will be brought before City Council and Planning Commission. D. Countywide Trails Master Plan: No date was available for this meeting however, county trails master plan is now under public circulation if BPC agrees we can draft a suitable resolution to stay consistent with city goals. Formulize and explore to adopt. We can forward to City Council for approval, hoping by July 1, 2015. We received a priority one extension for the Uvas Creek Trail and Lyons Creek, and priority two for the Uvas Creek Trial, east of Sports Park from VTA. CORRESPONDENCE - NONE COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS A. Commissioner, Marandos: None B. Commissioner, Lai: Called Council member Terri Aulman about concern with Miller and 1st street pavement. C. Commissioner Muniz: Regarding our new VTA representative, David Almeida would like to receive an update on a quarterly basis. Staff member Henry Servin, stated he is scheduled for our March presentation. Related to the Countywide Trails Master Plan, he submitted a list of items to be addressed in future and suggested for other commissioners interested in actively county wide Master Plan with recommended changes. Henry can add topic to agenda. D. Commissioner, Gonzalez: Stated the Silicon Valley Coalition website remove Don Dey's, contact information and create an email alias as a form of communication with concerns by adding the bicycle pedestrian committee as an email alias vs. receiving phone calls. Also to incorporate the Pledge of Allegiance to our meetings. Have we collaborated with other BPC and shared ideas. Commissioner Muniz, stated we should as a first step partner with the City of Morgan Hill. E. Commissioner Morados: Shared he signs up with the Morgan Hill and receives a very detailed email often about public meetings as it pertains to bicycling. Commissioner Muniz stated VTA holds workshops with all of Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committees in different cities; it would be a great idea to attend. F. Staff person Servin: General Plan update circulation element. Meet upstairs in community room on March 11, 2015. Will look into other venues available to network with other commissions; encourage commissioners to attend and staff. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING — None discussed ADJOURN — 7:26 p.m.