04/28/2015 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/23/2015 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, April 28, 2015 CALL TO ORDER 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Libby Lai (Chair), Eldon Chappell (Vice-Chair), Leonardo Gonzalez, Tony Marandos, Thomas Muniz ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Zinnia Menchaca-Navarro, Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday,April 24,2015,at 3:15,in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz, Second by Commissioner Chappell. OLD BUSINESS A)Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 14, 2015: Commissioner Marandos met with Commissioner Libby Lai Everything has been organized and planned. Commissioner Marandos received posters both in English and Spanish which need to be distributed and posted in businesses throughout the City of Gilroy. One of our volunteers will be bringing in half a sheet of coffee cake from Hobees; this should feed up to 60 people. Blossom Valley Foods will be providing hot sauces, Sunshine Bicycles will be providing water bottles and Cliff Bars will also be donated and included in the goodie bag. He is currently working on obtaining a helmet donation for raffle. There is lots of momentum this year. The tent, table and chairs have been reserved. A couple of individuals have volunteered to meet at 5:30 a.m. at the energizer station and assist with the event. The first train leaves at 6:05 a.m. with the second train leaving at 7:05 a.m. usually wrapped up by 8:00 a.m. Staff person Henry Servin will send Commissioner Marandos the tax exempt letters via electronically for Commissioner Marandos to distribute to businesses. B)OTS Grant Update: Staff Person Henry Servin reporting on behalf of Sgt. Ashley; the first crosswalk sting operation was conducted in the beginning of April at several locations resulting in numerous citations for motorist not yielding to pedestrians. The police department saw this as a great opportunity to educate pedestrians. Sgt. Ashley asked the Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners for key locations as they would like to hold 2 additional crosswalk sting operations. They will be outreaching to middle and elementary students on correct bicycle safety. They are still working on receiving gift certificates for good riding behavior. Commissioner Muniz recommended Camino Arroyo and Leavesley and Commissioner Gongalez second that recommendation. Commissioner Chappell suggested extending the walking cycle time. C)BPC Presentation to Council: Commissioner Marandos stated an email from Almaden Valley Cycling Club expressed enthusiasm by being recognized by the City of Gilroy. They encourage the Almaden Valley Cycling Club members to attend the City Council meeting on May 4th to receive their proclamation from the City of Gilroy. D)Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Worksheet: Staff Person Henry Servin provided a couple of metrics that may be useful to the developers when submitting to the City of Gilroy on new upcoming projects: The Complete Street Components, divided by 3 key components: Pedestrian Features; Bicycle Features and Transit Features and the scoring sheet with metrics, examining complete street pedestrian, complete streets bicycle, transit, vehicle and right-of-way considerations. The developers would need to speak to list when submitting to the City to facilitate Pedestrian, Bicycle and Transit features. This would allow the developers to further their research on incorporating all expectations set forth by the City of Gilroy; Staff to develop set of documents. All commissioners would like each developer to hybrid both forms with a birds eye map with complete streets defined per project. Motion was moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz, Second by Commissioner Marandos. An idea was brought up to give students an opportunity to come up with project as it pertains to improving Bicycle, Pedestrian and trails here in the City of Gilroy at Gavilan College, San Jose State University and Stanford University. Commissioner Marandos will email Gavilan College to verify if they have a program on campus allowing partnership with the City of Gilroy. NEW BUSINESS A)Mayor’s Annual Presentation: Mayor Don Gage provided us a quick update what going on with the City of Gilroy. We are half way through the General Plan, coming to council in the month of May. There’s still another 18 months to go for the 20 year plan for the city as required by the state of California every 10-12 years. In terms of development, there are currently around 150 homes built this season; 80 out of Glen Loma. In 2016, there will be are a larger amount of homes being built. Some of the upgrades required to include 3 roundabouts. UNFI is currently hiring, due to open in August. The 2 year budget (2015-2017) is in good shape with a balance budget, without taking money out of reserves and an increase in revenue with an increase in expenditures. In 2007-2008, 70 employees were laid off; the city has hired 23 new employees to date. Currently do not have all of the dollars for streets and sidewalks. With an increase of crime and homeless issues, the city is looking to hire additional police and staff. Most of planning done for new development. Commissioner Muniz asked what the city is doing in regards to the concerns of water due to the drought. Mayor Gage stated the water issues are driven by the state; the state of California sets the final rules. Currently the residents need to conserve water usage by 24%, this will be from the water usage of 2013; residents are allowed to water 3x a week; eventually going to 2x a week. At the expense of the city, we will be hiring 2 new employees monitor the water usage, by reviewing the spikes in water bills and driving around, monitoring excessive watering. Those that are in violation will be cited. If the city does not make these changes, they will be fined $10,000 a day. The city is addressing this within the next 2 months. In June, residents will see goals and objectives in their water bills on ways to conserve water. Commissioner Chappell brought up Gilroy Gardens and Mayor Gage stated they are using recycled water for landscaping in addition to their own wells. Gilroy is the largest city of recycled water in Santa Clara County. Commissioner Lai asked with all of the development occurring in the City of Gilroy, is there going to be a change in the development due to the current drought situation. Mayor Gage stated there is enough water to deal with the development with 50% of recycled water going to agriculture; 19% of water comes out of canal from Anderson then to percolate, the remaining comes from Uvas, Coyote and Anderson Dam. The city wells dropped 33 feet from 750-5800 feet deep. Commissioner Marandos commented on the traffic issue due to a high number of commuters from the North and asked if VTA or County at looking at some options for relieving traffic congestion. Mayor Gage stated they are looking at bypasses from I-5 to SR-156 to SR-25 to SR-101, which will eliminate the heavy Pacheco Pass traffic as it’s currently bumper to bumper. The city is also looking at connecting Monterey rail into our rail station, the $18 million dollars from VTA will help with this project. The High Speed Rail is being pushed for the future as the projected population for Gilroy in 2050 will be about eighty eight to ninety thousand with California’s population doubling. Council has turned down PUD’s allowing more open spaces for residents; making it easier for the police officers to patrol. In addition, there has been additional lighting in the city offering better visibility. Commissioner Lai asked how the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee members can assist the City of Gilroy. Mayor Gage expects the members to look at all of the new developments ensuring all the streets have sidewalks for pedestrians, bike lanes for bicyclists and trail connections. The current focus is on wheelchair and sidewalk improvements. The City of Gilroy is seeking volunteers for other committees that are currently under staffed. Commissioner Lai suggested we should have some non-voting youth volunteers as part of our commission to encourage their input. *The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission will be presenting to council in the Mayors Annual on November 16th, 2015. A subcommittee will meet to go over what we’ve accomplished thus far. B)Development Review: Staff person Henry Servin stated there are no new applicants this month. However in the July time frame a new application should be coming through. Mayor stated 3 smaller development submittals were rejected as they did not include all of the complete street information required by the City of Gilroy. They will need to come through the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee then the Planning Commission. The Rancho 101 in the North Gilroy Neighborhood District (NGND), we are thinking of annexation of 730 acres; there’s an application of 19 property owners that are coming to the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee in early Fall with their presentation with general outlines on what they have to provide. Staff person Henry Servin will continue to explore grants C)Police Update on OTS Grants: Staff person Henry Servin just came back from a meeting with Gilroy Police Department, Morgan Hill Police Department and the Santa Clara County Health Department. They are looking into a South County collaborative using OTS grant exclusively for reducing the bicycle, pedestrian injuries and fatalities and young child injuries inside and outside of vehicle. One of the items they are going to ask for is a letter of endorsement from Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. The $120 million state grant is meant for communities of concern (i.e. higher level of poverty). Partnership will take place with the Gilroy and Morgan Hill School District. The opening timeframe is December 2015 with the closing month of March 2016. This will include full sworn in officers for education and enforcement. Staff person Henry Servin to keep us updated. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A.Chair Madam Lai: None B.Vice-Chair Chappell: None C.Commissioner Muniz: During the General Plan Meeting provided staff the Preferred Alternative Option; various alternatives were presented relating to development, jobs, housing, planning zone and so forth. It will be presented to the Planning Commission. Key milestone was reached. Complete street circulation to be included in the September time frame. Commissioner Muniz brought up the fact that there are 1-2 overpasses do not have safety fences. Staff Person Henry Servin will bring it up to CalTrans. D.Commissioner Gonzalez: None E.Commissioner Marandos: He wanted to know if Caltrans will be repaving the streets on First Street and Leavesley. Staff Person Henry Servin stated the water main will be replaced starting at the end of summer to the end of the year. Caltrans will replace the entire street in early 2016. Commissioner Marandos asked What is it going to look like? Is there a plan, or someone from Caltrans providing us a plan? Staff Person Henry Servin stated traditionally, Caltrans would replace at the same. Main Streets program meet with designated staff to redesign, commit to looking at any suggestions. If interested, there are multi-meetings, to take input, and City Council would need to adopt and implement. Suggestion to create subcommittee to explore new design. He will create a work plan. STAFF COMMENTS- Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer: The City Council approved an agreement with High Speed Rail Authority to begin a Downtown specific plan update and Study. The formation committee will have several different committee members. Designee from Bicycle Pedestrian Committee is a requirement, Planning, Historic Heritage Committee, Chambers, Downtown Business Association and public at large, and one city council person. The volunteer process may take a 24-27 month commitment. Commissioner Chappell will represent the Bicycle Pedestrian Representative in the High Speed Rail. The Bicycle Pedestrian Committee will not meet in the month of May. It was moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz and Second by Commissioner Chappell to adjourn the meeting to the next scheduled meeting date of June 23, 2015. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – A.County Bike System, Staff Person Henry Servin to provide a report B.Annual VTA BPAC Summit C.Potential Grants ADJOURN – 8:04 p.m. to the June 23, 2015 meeting at 6pm.