08/25/2015 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/29/2015 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, August 25, 2015 CALL TO ORDER 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Libby Lai (Chair), Eldon Chappell (Vice-Chair), Leonardo Gonzalez, Thomas Muniz Tony Marandos: Excused ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer Zinnia Menchaca-Navarro, Office Assistant Sue Martin, Planning Division Manager Valerie Negrete, Planner COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Thursday, August 20, 2015, at 3:00 pm in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION - Lani Yoshimura, librarian for the City of Gilroy announced they will be holding a “Bike Repair Day” on September 19th from 2-5 pm. The event will be held in front of the library on 6th street. Due to space limitation, they are taking reservations for this event. They are also working on the Bike Repair Station. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz, Second by Commissioner Chappell. OLD BUSINESS A) County Trails Masterplan Presentation: Will Fourt with the County Parks Department came to share an information report that has been compiled within the last year. Main focus and goal is to look at the status of Countywide Trails Master Plan as it relates to the City of Gilroy; last update was in 1995. A map was provided to reflect the incorporated and unincorporated collaboration between the county, different cities and different agencies. The map shows 800 miles of trail throughout county with 40% being complete. There has been progress in addition of lanes, new connection/ realignment (County Road), Operations/Safety Improvements, addition of parallel trails. In addition to the projects shown, County Roads anticipates construction of 33 miles of operational/safety improvements involving minor widening and 1.5 miles of turning-lane improvements at undetermined locations. They are in the early stages. Commissioners requested a copy of the presentation. The Informational report is available online. B) Wine Trail Map & Rental Bike Incentives: Staff member Henry Servin reviewed the Silicon Valley Wine Trail Map as adopted by the County of Santa Clara, City of Morgan and City of Gilroy. Currently there is discussion of making the trail bike friendly by adding additional bike lanes, increasing shoulder widths, with additional and appropriate signage encouraging bicyclists to use road. The Wine Trail will be capturing the majority of South County wineries. Looking for communities of interest and support. Commissioners raised concern about drinking wine and riding bicycle. The discussion of adding signage to read “Please ride and drink responsibly” along the trail and widening the shoulder was discussed along with adding bike lockers at each winery. C) Park ‘N Ride Locations: (3) Monterey/Masten, Monterey/Buena Vista, Monterey/Howson- Staff Person Henry Servin reviewed the project location map layout with potential Park ‘N Ride locations: Monterey/Masten, Monterey/Buena Vista, and Monterey/Howson and possible new proposed overcrossings on Buena Vista Ave., Las Animas Ave., I00F Ave., and Old Gilroy St. which will be submitted to the Silicon Envision Valley Ballot November 2016. As part of that effort, the goal is to increase connectivity from one side of freeway to the other side while reducing vehicle trip and promoting mass transportation. A suggestion to add a Park ‘N Ride on Monterey and Leavesley Raod possibly adding a route to the Gilroy Outlets was discussed. There are 52 projects that will be submitted and Staff member Henry Servin offered to bring in a list at a later meeting date. a. Public member was called to speak. He voiced his concern about the Luchessa Bridge, and the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians and its increased traffic. The speaker would like a walkway and bike way separate from the roadway. Staff person Henry Servin offered to speak with public member and do a site visit. D) Development Review Form for BPC review: Staff Person Henry Servin reported None. NEW BUSINESS A) Development Review-Hampton Inn - Sharad Sharad Lal-Architect for the Hampton Inn project, discussed a brief proposal overview: They have agreed to provide improved pedestrian access and extension of striped bicycle facilities along Monterey Street. Planning staff has recommended that they would like the applicant to make it more accessible to allow a bike facility to serve their proposed hotel site, to provide better access for their future employees. Currently the applicants are working on improving the issues with the crosswalk and access walkway path from one side of Monterey Street under the freeway (US101) to the other side. Commissioners brought up concerns about providing sufficient parking, providing adequate lighting, and careful planting of trees to not create blind spots in the future and provision for bike racks/storage for guests and employees. B) Development Review - Monterey Gateway Senior Apartments-Gene Broussard: Mr. Broussard provided a site plan with an overview of the Pedestrian and Bicycle amenities. The site was designed to give privacy and access to the residents. There will be 3 bicycle parking locations within the complex with a proposed Class II Bike lane along Monterey Road in front of project. The Pedestrian Amenities will include a 10’ monolithic sidewalk along the frontage. The commissioners expressed concern that future residents will not have adequate walking facilities beyond the development to areas of interest, including shoping and transit access. They requested that at least an all-weather walking path be provided along the east side of Monterey Street north of the site to Tenth Street, to provide for at least some walkable access. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chair Madam Lai: None B. Vice-Chair Chappell: Stated someone received a ticket for riding on the sidewalk. Stated there are 300 miles of striping in Los Angeles. Asked if David Almeida, Gilroy BPAC Representative had an update. C. Commissioner Muniz: None D. Commissioner Gonzalez: Reported that the 7-Eleven chain gave out 500 books (Free Slurpies) for children encouraging safe bicycle riding. Brought up the question of building a crosswalk at Luchessa and Church. E. Commissioner Marandos: None STAFF COMMENTS- Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer: AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – A. Luchessa Bridge B. First Street-Main Street C. Envision Silicon Valley Report Update ADJOURN – 7:48 p.m. to the September 22, 2015 meeting at 6pm.