01/26/2016 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/23/2016 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, January 26, 2016 CALL TO ORDER 6:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell (Acting Vice-Chair), Leonardo Gonzalez, Tony Marandos Thomas Muniz: Arrived at 6:07 Libby Lai has termed out and was not present ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Traffic Engineer Christina Villarreal, Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, January 22, 2016, at 4:20 p.m. in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION – None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Marandos; it was Second by Commissioner Gonzalez. OLD BUSINESS A. Red Barn Presentation: Gary Walton was not in attendance to present. Tabled for future date. B. Downtown Bike Elements: Gary Walton was not in attendance to present. Tabled for future date. Staff member Henry Servin presented some information on behalf of Gary Walton; Gary has identified additional potential bicycle parking spots in the downtown area. With his own resources he sought to seek permission to install nice architectural bicycle walking facilities in the OD area and 2 different locations on Monterey Street with bicycle symbol allowing residents to lock their bicycles when shopping and eating, Gary welcomed the opportunity to start the conversation with the members of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners for additional opportunities in the downtown area. Gary will be providing location maps with opportunity sites. There was a motion to Approve to have Commissioner Chappell look at non vehicle spaces for bike parking in the downtown area; seconded by Commissioner Muniz. Motion passed. C. Quarterly Police Report: Staff member stated Sgt. Ashley will be introducing Sgt. Wes Sanford at February’s meeting. D. Nomination of Officers for 2016: Libby Lai has been termed out of the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee; she offered herself as a resource to Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. Commissioner Eldon Chappell was nominated to be the next chair; and Commissioner Leo Gonzalez as vice-chair. Nominations were moved by approval by Commissioner Muniz; second by commissioner Marandos. On February 23, the nominations will be ratified and Sean Reedy will be sworn in. E. Revise BPC bylaws: Recommendation to include the newest Bicycle Pedestrian Member at the next meeting. Commissioner Gonzalez suggested keeping it as one; Commissioner Gonzalez volunteered to review and rewrite the transportation portion with everyone’s suggestions. It was moved for approval by Commissioner Chappell and second by Commissioner Marandos. NEW BUSINESS A. Vision Zero: Staff member Henry Servin provided an overview on Vision Zero. Vision Zero is a nationwide program challenging cities to eliminate fatal accidents associated with pedestrian and bicyclist accidents; Washington D.C., San Francisco, San Jose and Fremont are currently adopting this program with the hopes of eliminating fatalities with the implementation of signage, lighting and reduction of speed limits. In the coming year, Staff member Henry Servin will seek endorsement from Bicycle Pedestrian Committee, bringing Vision Zero to the attention of City Council. B. Priority Development Areas: As a follow up to main street program, staff member Henry Servin presented to the commissioners information on the Application Guidelines for Priority Development Area Designation. For over a decade, local government and regional agencies have been working together to encourage the growth of jobs and production of housing. One way to designate money to main street is to designate it as a priority major street challenged with volume of cars, poor condition, lack of amenities to pedestrian and bicyclists. The city of Gilroy meets the criteria specifically in the downtown area on Monterey Street and First Street. At next month meeting, staff person Henry Servin will bring map for the commissioners to review. They will then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for adoption in the General Plan update. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Acting Chair Chappell: None B. Commissioner Muniz: Would like to hear from David Almeida at VTA C. Commissioner Gonzalez: None D. Commissioner Marandos: None STAFF COMMENTS- AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – A. Cannery Phase II development B. Sidewalk/Gaps Program Report: C. Our Goals and Bylaws update D. Arrange invitation to meet with new mayor later in 2016 E. VTA BPAC Meeting appointee ADJOURN – 7:55 p.m. to the February 23, 2015 meeting at 6pm.