03/22/2016 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/26/2016 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, March 22, 2016 CALL TO ORDER 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Eldon Chappell Chair, Leonardo Gonzalez Vice-Chair, Tony Marandos, Sean Reedy, Thomas Muniz: Arrived at 6:08 ALSO PRESENT Henry Servin, City Traffic Engineer Zinnia Navarro, Office Assistant Donna Taft, Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, March 18, 2016 at 4:04 p.m. in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. A slide presentation was presented by Mr. Gary Walton that addresses the benefits cycling brings to businesses and what it can do for downtown Gilroy (Item #1). He discussed how businesses generally like to promote cycling as it can drive up sales and increase revenue. However, without secure bicycle parking people are not likely to ride to certain destinations. Bicycle racks need to be visible in front of business to deter theft and vandalism. Having bike racks with a more orderly appearance will encourage people to use the racks and not lock their bikes to trees, fences, etc. Bike corrals are another alternative that takes one street parking space or other unused space such as cross hatched areas and converts it to bike parking with racks that can hold 10-12 bicycles. The advantage of the bike corrals is they keep the sidewalk clear and they are cost effective. Mr. Walton stated that Gilroy currently has 11 cross-hatched areas of unused space between Fourth and Sixth Streets that could be utilized for bicycle parking without having to use any current parking spaces. Also discussed were bike stations or bike hubs at the train station to promote the Bike and Ride concept. Chair Chappell stated that he would like to see a pilot program first by putting in one bike area to see how it works out. Once the Commission makes a decision on this they will ask Gary to come back and make a recommendation to City Council. B. Public Comments: Mr. Steve Ashford, Planning Commissioner, expressed his concerns about a number of trees with metal guards around them that people are using to lock their bikes. The trees are starting to mature and the guards are becoming damaged. He would like to see bike corrals go in the cross hatched areas and used for bicycle parking. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Vice Chair Gonzalez; it was Second by Commissioner Reedy. OLD BUSINESS A. Bike Parking Update: See PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION above B. Gilroy P.D. Updates: Sgt. Wes Sanford was unable to attend this meeting. Staff Person Henry Servin spoke on his behalf. Sgt. Sanford does request that he be allowed to come forward from time to time to give a report on safety items, grant items and to receive input from everyone on the BPC. C. Bylaws W.I. P.: Hard copies of the Commissions existing bylaws and related goals and objectives that were established in 2010 were distributed (Item #3). If a member wants to change the bylaws, they should begin the work prior to meeting with the Mayor. There was a request by Chair Chappell that the Mayors visit in May be put on the calendar. D. Sidewalk Gaps: Staff Person Henry Servin discussed that while the City works with individual property owners to repair broken sidewalks from homes or business frontages, the City doesn’t currently have much information on broken sidewalks throughout the city. The last comprehensive report was completed in 2008. As a result, last month we began to gather the gap locations. Staff Person Servin provided a handout with a compilation of gap information thus far and the information will be put to good use (item #4). Over the next two months we will prepare our Pedestrian Master Plan element in the General Plan Update. A heat map will be produced, using red, yellow or green signifying where either minor or major replacement or a new sidewalk needs to occur. We are mentioning to City Council that the program is a very popular one. People will get reimbursed one half of the cost for repairing their sidewalks. Commissioner Muniz requested that the maps be included in the record and to prioritize the areas impacting students going to and from school. In addition, Staff Person Servin stated that areas around senior villages and senior centers also should be a priority. Ultimately, what we want are graphic representations of where we want to grow the pedestrian needs. E. Development Meeting Notes: Staff Person Henry Servin included a one page handout marked page 11 (item #5) to show that the Planning Commission is now receiving all comments from the BPC in review of development projects. Staff Person Henry Servin congratulated everyone for their ongoing effort. NEW BUSINESS A. VTA Bike Plan – March 29th: Staff Person Henry Servin distributed The VTA Bike Plan flier (Item #1A). This plan will be discussed at Glen View Elementary School in Gilroy in a public meeting on Tuesday, March 29 from 5:30 to 8:00pm. The BPC should attend if possible and share your thoughts on amenities. It’s a great opportunity to let VTA know because they have the grants that allow us to do a lot of our projects. There are fliers available in English and Spanish. The information is posted at the Library and the COG website. The Commissioners discussed retrofitting the Luchessa Bridge. Chair Chappell asked if the VTA would consider giving a grant for the green stripping between bike lanes. Per Staff Person Henry Servin, the VTA would be willing to pilot with us or actually give us money to do green bike lanes. Also, included in the packet is another meeting on Sunday, May 15 titled Meeting of the BPACS at the Silicon Valley Bikes Festival (Item #1B). This event is to invite all known governmental bicycle entities such as bicycle commission, bicycle committees, etc. The event is open to the general public. B. Bike Lanes Update: We are beginning our implementation plans for our General Plan Update for our trails, bikes, and our pedestrian Master Plan. There currently are 3 miles of trails, 5 miles of striped bike lane and a few bike routes all over town. The goal of this General Plan Update is to add 22 miles of trails, 50 miles of striped bike lanes and many more bike routes. Staff Person Henry Servin would like to bring the General Plan committee to the next meeting to present the bike map. C. Guidelines for New Development: Staff Member Henry Servin mentioned what we are looking to establish guidelines that are not necessarily automobile related for new development. As we complete our streets implementation we are now looking at how to accommodate people with different abilities – those physically challenged and those who desire to bike or walk to more places. Commissioner Muniz wants to get actively involved with this. He proposed making this an item for the next agenda meeting. All concurred. We should have a working set of guidelines by September because then our General Plan becomes adopted and we have implementation elements in order to make them eligible for developer installation and developer reimbursement. D. Bike to Work Day – May 12: Commissioner Muniz signed us up to participate on this date and would like the City to participate on an annual basis. He has rounded up a couple of volunteers for that morning. Space needs to be secured from VTA at the train station along with use of the City canopy. Commissioner Marandos will look into a donation from a printer for a professional looking banner to hang. This event will be there for three trains and will end around 8am. Commissioner Marandos will attend the April 4th City Council meeting to request participation from Council members that commute daily. Staff person Henry Servin will send the City Clerk a request that we recognize May as Bike to Work month and choose an individual or group to honor. The Mayor will then present them a Resolution of Commendation at a City Council meeting in May. Staff Person Servin distributed previous proclamations (Item #4) that were conducted from 2014 and 2015 and a generic tax letter if sponsors donate food, water, helmets, etc. Commissioner Muniz suggested considering recognizing Sunshine Bicycles as an integral part of the cycling community. Staff Person Servin will prepare a draft for the next meeting to move forward and will notify the City Clerk of the plan to nominate Sunshine Bicycle. Commissioner Reedy inquired about school involvement. Per Staff Person Servin, we work with the Santa Clara County Office of Public Health who gets fliers out to the middle schools and elementary schools. Commissioner Gonzalez suggested nominating a school next year that goes out of their way to encourage their students to ride to school. Motion to recognize Sgt. Curt Ashley for all his efforts and support in the cycling community was moved by Commissioner Gonzalez, seconded by Commissioner Marandos. E. PSAP Report Copy: Staff Person Henry Servin provided a packet of aerial photos (Item #5) of locations the Commission has monitored. Crash data has been collected along with other safety information. The photos were examined in the 2014 PSAP. All Commissioners requested electronic copies of PSAP.  6th and Forest St. – There is an opportunity to make it more pedestrian friendly  Rte. 152 at Camino Arroyo – Challenging for pedestrians.  Mantelli Dr. at Wren Ave – Recommended as a conversion to a round-about.  1st St. at Wren – Very active crossing location for young and seniors. Numerous right turn movements.  10th and Chestnut St. – Near the freeway. Not conducive to friendly pedestrian activities  Leavesley Rd. and Murray Ave/US-101 - Examined as a possible location to make pathways for pedestrians safer than they are today. CORRESPONDENCE No official correspondence reports received. Staff Person Henry Servin updated on the Annual Presentation to City Council and the Mayors visit to the BPC. COMMISSIONER’S ORAL REPORTS A. Chair Chappell: Tree trimming around stop signs. Faded stop signs. B. Vice-Chair Gonzalez: None C. Commissioner Muniz: Poor visibility due to poorly maintained vegetation and signage. D. Commissioner Reedy: None E. Commissioner Marandos: Lane stripping near new development on Day Road and Santa Teresa STAFF COMMENTS Staff Person Henry Servin got budget to bid for a stripping contractor. With the paint wagon out of service this will be contracted out. Also, Staff Person Servin reminded that we received confirmation that on November 21 Chair Chappell will be presenting to the City Council the Annual Bicycle Presentation. Mayor Woodward requested to briefly visit the Commission in May. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – A. Bring the general plan consultant back and talk on master plans and continue discussions for the guidelines for the new development. B. Continue discussion to support piloting a bike corral downtown. C. Bylaws – Subcommittee D. BPACS representation ADJOURN – 8:02 p.m. to the April 26, 2016 meeting at 6pm.