08/23/2016 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/20/2016 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Eldon Chappell Chair, Leonardo Gonzalez Vice-Chair, Tony Marandos, Thomas Muniz – arrived at 6:11, Sean Reedy ALSO PRESENT: Henry Servin, City Traffic Engineer Donna Taft, Office Assistant COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA: The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, August 19, 2016, at 5:25 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Gonzalez it was seconded by Commissioner Marandos. OLD BUSINESS: A. Annual Report: Commissioner Gonzales will create a PowerPoint exhibit to present to City Council in November. Pictures, statistics and other information to be added should be emailed to Commissioner Gonzales this week. The presentation will be sent to all Commissioners prior to the next meeting on September 27, 2016. B. Bike Trails and Bike Maps: Staff Member Henry Servin provided a “proof blank” copy of the updated bicycle map and explained its features. The Gilroy Welcome Center will be putting the maps inside their welcome packages for new residents. The County Public Health Department will pick up all production costs. The grant is available for the year. Another city was unable to use a part of the Partnership to Improve Community Health projects (PICH) and offered it to the City of Gilroy. As a result, the City will be ordering several hundred “Wrong Way” signs that will go on the back of all our Bike Route and Bike Lane signs along with the offset brackets. Staff Member Henry Servin provided a copy of a Wrong Way sign. This will all be done at no cost to the City other than labor to mount the signs. PICH received $1.3 million from an OBAG grant to visit every Gilroy school (elementary, middle and high) and establish a safety program, give helmets away, encourage walking school buses and trains, etc. This is an agreement between GUSD and the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. NEW BUSINESS: A. Bike Rodeo: Staff Member Henry Servin shared that as part of the “Gilroy Moves” grant, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department would like to partner with members of the Commission to promote parents and children to walk to school and bicycle to school and are looking for an endorsement to welcome this idea. A speaker from the Santa Clara County Health Department can come to a future meeting to speak about the merits of this. Permission was given by all Commissioners to provide the Santa Clara County Public Health Department/Partnership to Improve Community Health with their email addresses. B. Gilroy Police Department: Sargent Stanford was absent. Staff Member Henry Servin provided an update in his absence. The Miller roundabout recently proved helpful in a pursuit of an individual evading police. The suspect’s vehicle and came to rest off the road where police were able to apprehend the individual. The Gilroy Police Department will try for an OTS grant next year. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS: A. Chair Chappell: Discussed lane striping fading all around town and asked what can be done. B. Vice-Chair Gonzalez: None C. Commissioner Muniz: Requested update on First Street repairs, High Speed Rail, faded striping on crosswalks and bicycle map updates on Eigleberry and Murray Avenue. D. Commissioner Reedy: None E. Commissioner Marandos: Stated he is fond of the buffered bike lanes at the Miller/Santa Teresa roundabout and would like to see them used elsewhere. STAFF COMMENTS: Staff Member Henry Servin announced his resignation with the City of Gilroy and will be leaving September 16, 2016. He has accepted a position with the City of Santa Monica, CA and will be joining them on September 19, 2016. Rick Smelser, Public Works Director, will work with the BPC Chair and/or Co -Chair to craft how to continue the monthly meetings and to provide proper staffing. We congratulate Staff Member Henry Servin and thank him for his various contributions to the evolution of our streets, sidewalks and City. He will be missed! AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING:  Alameda Cycle Touring Club  High Speed Rail  Santa Clara County Public Health Department  Sidewalk Ordinances and Downtown Sign Ordinances  League of Bicycle Cities California Group  Downtown Business Association ADJOURN: 7:25p.m. to the September 27, 2016 meeting at 6pm.