03/28/2017 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/25/2017REVISED AS TO ITEMS IN ITALICS AND UNDERLINING MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION AND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2017 CALL TO ORDER: 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Bicycle Pedestrian Commission: Leonardo Gonzalez Chair, Zachary Hilton Vice-Chair, Tony Marandos, Sean Reedy, Chad Reeder Parks and Recreation Commission: Julie Garcia, Terrie Berry, Patricia Bentson Absent – John Almash, Vince Monroy, Ermelindo Puente and Troy Trede ALSO PRESENT: Michael Fisher – Consultant – Transportation Engineer Donna Taft, Office Assistant I PRESENTATION: A. Gilroy BMX Race Track Presentation by Mary Garcia, Garlic City BMX Non-Profit: Mary Garcia, President of Garlic City BMX Association, gave a presentation discussing their efforts to bring a BMX track to Gilroy. She gave a brief history of BMX in Gilroy, discussed the cost estimates for each Phase of construction, how it would help increase revenue for the City of Gilroy and how beneficial it is for all, especially children. Garlic City BMX will seek donations for this project and are looking for support from the City of Gilroy for requesting funds from companies and individuals. They are asking for an official resolution, space to build the track and any funding from City coffers that would be available to them. A question and answer session with the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission and the Parks and Recreation followed the presentation. Audience member, Keith Harrison, spoke of how beneficial the sport is for the kids, how it is family oriented and supportive. He shared that there are local races, district races, regional and national races and that people are willing to travel to these events and that this could bring revenue to the City of Gilroy. Other members of the audience made similar comments including that kids and adults can come together with this sport as it covers all ages. The camaraderie goes beyond racing. There is a great sense of accomplishment and friendships that kids will take into adulthood. Other good elements of racing include anti-bullying, bicycle safety, avoiding gang violence and avoiding childhood obesity. The races generate business from people coming from out of town who stay in hotels, nearby campsites, dine at local restaurants and shop at local stores. ADJOURN: 6:57 p.m. REVISED AS TO ITEMS IN ITALICS AND UNDERLINING MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2017 CALL TO ORDER: 6:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Leonardo Gonzalez Chair, Zachary Hilton Vice-Chair, Tony Marandos, Sean Reedy, Chad Reeder ALSO PRESENT: Michael Fisher – Consultant – Transportation Engineer Donna Taft, Office Assistant I COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA: The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, March 24, 2017, at 4:47 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were moved for approval by Vice-Chair Zachary Hilton and was seconded by Commissioner Chad Reeder. OLD BUSINESS: A. Gilroy Police Department Updates: Police Sergeant Wes Stanford reported on Bicycle Pedestrian incidents that occurred in the past six months. He provided statistics on collisions resulting in injuries. Sergeant Stanford reported on grant activity. Those the Traffic Unit work with specifically are funds through the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). They had a grant for bicycle pedestrian enforcement and activities where they held a Bike Rodeo and purchased helmets. That grant expired in September 2016 and another reward was not received. The Department is currently working on a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant that targets DUI check points, safety intersections, and destructive driving. All of which positively impact bicycle/pedestrian safety. Sergeant Stanford reported that they are involved with Safe Routes to School and have attended meetings with the schools and participated with Las Animas Elementary by escorting students to school this year. They also participated in a community resource fair which was highly focused on bicycles. B. Definitions of Class I, Class II and Class III Lanes: Consultant – Transportation Engineer Michael Fisher provided an overview of Class I, II and III Lanes taken from the State Highway Design Manual. C. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Draft Strategic Plan: Vice Chair Zachary Hilton spoke about the Strategic Plan document that was distributed prior to the meeting which includes an Invitation to the Public, 2017 REVISED AS TO ITEMS IN ITALICS AND UNDERLINING Goals and Action Plans. He referred to it as guided document that can be shared amongst the Commissioners for Action Plans and for successors to the Commission to refer to. The goals included were discussed in January. Commissioner Hilton would like to see this on the City of Gilroy’s website so that the public, specifically those unable to attend meetings, can have a reference of where things stand and it also will serve as a time stamp. Commissioner Hilton would like to bring this item back every month to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meetings to make necessary changes and updates. Changes made to the document would then be placed on the next month’s agenda. D. Bike to Work Day: Commissioner Tony Marandos reported that he signed the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission up for Bike to Work Day which will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at the Valley Transit Authority train station. This is sixth year the Commission has participated in this event through the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC). Consultant – Transportation Engineer Michael Fisher will contact Valley Transit Authority to get permission to set up a canopy. SVBC will provide swag bags to hand out. Donations are normally received through a bike shop or Kali Protectives, a sporting goods store, who usually provides a helmet to be raffled off. Coffee and coffee cake will be served and bicycle maps will be distributed. Consultant – Transportation Engineer Michael Fisher will check to see if there are funds available for a donation for the swag bags. Commissioner Sean Reedy agreed to attend this event with Commissioner Tony Marandos. NEW BUSINESS: A. Gilroy BMX Race Track: Mary Garcia, President of Garlic City BMX Association, gave a presentation to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission at the start of the Joint Meeting discussing their efforts to bring a BMX track to Gilroy. Following a discussion, Motion was made by Vice- Chair Zachary Hilton to endorse and support Garlic City BMX and the building of a BMX track at the Gilroy Sports Park and was seconded by Chair Leo Gonzalez. Motion carried. B. Interview Candidate for the Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee: Candidate Carolyn Schimandle spoke of her cycling history, work experience and committee work through state and county parks as well as event planning experience. All Commissioners have reviewed Ms. Schimandle’s application and biography. Following a discussion, Motion was made by Chair Leo Gonzalez to appoint Carolyn to the Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee and was seconded by Vice-Chair Zachary Hilton. Motion carried. C. Selection of Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Representative to the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC): Consultant – Transportation Engineer Michael Fisher reported that in that absence of former commissioner Thomas Muniz, a new representative of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission must be appointed to participate in the reconvened General Plan Advisory Committee for the resumption of the General Plan Update. Vice-Chair Zachary Hilton nominated Commissioner Chad Reeder. It was seconded by Commissioner Tony Marandos. Motion carried. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS: REVISED AS TO ITEMS IN ITALICS AND UNDERLINING A. Chair Gonzalez mentioned a recent visit to Sacramento was made by the Mayor regarding First Street. Commissioners are not allowed to travel out of state for events. He had a conversation with the City Clerk about personal emails and phone numbers and the drafting of agendas. Shared that the Walking for a Healthier Santa Clara County publication could be a useful tool in the future. Spoke of a Proclamation and proclaiming May Bicycle Month. B. Vice Chair Zachary Hilton spoke of First Fridays with the next occurring on April 7. Shared the upcoming City Budget Sessions which are April 10 & 24 and May 8 & 22. Would like the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission to have an Adopt-A-Spot sign placed in the Gilroy Sports Park. Shared that there are 536 acres of biking and hiking trails behind Gilroy Gardens. $36,000 annually will be given to Safe Routes to School which can be banked up to 3-5 years. Tierra Bella Cycling Tour will be on April 1 and starts at Gavilan College. Recycle 5K Run will be on April 22 at Christmas Hill Park. Clean-up of Uvas Creek will be on April 29 at Christmas Hill Park. Spoke of Bylaws rephrasing regarding attendance. C. Commissioner Marandos spoke of the condition of First Street and the sidewalks. D. Commissioner Reedy spoke of the trails near Gilroy Gardens and the Bay Area Ridge Trail. Attended the Resource Fair and saw the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and saw their bike mobile. He attended the Bike Rodeo and Safe Routes to School training. Connected with Shifty Cycles last week at the Gilroy Library. Will be attending a meeting at Rod Kelley with the Parent Club Board on April 10. He is looking into what is happening with the Trails Master Plan, 20/40 Plan, Ronan Channel Trail, Vine Street Lions Creek Trail and West Branch Llagas Creek Trail. E. Commissioner Reeder spoke about the need for sharrows on Sixth and Third Streets that are faded. The use of business cards with website information that can be distributed. He thanked the Commission for all their hard work. Shared that the bushes and grasses growing along Route 152 need to be cut back. Requested an update of the roundabout on Route 152. STAFF COMMENTS: None AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING:  Brown Act/Open Government Ordinance and Robert’s Rules of Order Update  Change to Bylaws Section 7, #2 - Attendance  Strategic Plan Update  Mayor’s Report  Route 152 Roundabout at Autumn Update  Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award  Bike To Work Day Update  Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Update  Green Bike Lane Update ADJOURN: 9:20 p.m. to the April 25, 2017 meeting at 6pm.