10/23/2017 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/27/2018 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:06 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Chad Reeder - Vice Chairperson Leonardo Gonzalez (Excused Absence) Lionel Gonzalez Sean Reedy ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Robert Carrera, City Administration Fellow Faranak Mahdavi, Senior Engineer Julie Oates, Engineer I Bryce Atkins, Finance Manager – Budget Division 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, October 19, 2018, at 2:05 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of September Acknowledging Anthony Fuccella. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION  There were none. B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report:  There was no report in addition to the written report provided in the agenda packet. C. Automall Parkway Paving Project:  Julie Oates from the Public Works Engineering Division gave a presentation on the Automall Parkway Paving Project and took comments from the Commission. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 9/25/2018 Meeting B. Updated Training Options for Commissioners Report C. Approval of Bicycle Rack Decal Application from Maria Cid Agency 8. OLD BUSINESS A. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update:  There was no report. B. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination:  Commissioner Reedy recommended CHP Officer Chris Miceli for nomination of the BPC Monthly Award. The Commission concurred. C. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update:  Commissioner Reedy provided the commission with an update on SRTS activities. These updates included that October 10th was “International Walk and Bike to School Day”. There were events at probably every school either on that day or within the month of October. He led a bike train with Gilroy Unified School District candidate Enrique Diaz. The event was well attended by elected officials, community members and staff and considered a success. Next week, Mr. Diaz will be leading a “Tour de GUSD” event. Anyone is welcome to attend. Commissioner Reedy and Chairperson Hilton talked about drafting SRTS reports for 2 proposed developments; the 14-lot subdivision at Greenfield Dr. and the proposed apartment complex at 8955 Monterey Road. The goal is to further provide SRTS reports for inclusion in development proposal items that are brought forth to the Planning Commission and City Council. Specialized Grant Bike program is up and running. Need to follow up about getting data to use for discussion on the SRTS action plan and possible budget items. Need to follow up on Alexander Station Apartments walk audit. There is a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new bicycle fix-it station at Gavilan College on October 30th at 8 AM.  The Commission concurred to follow up on displaying SRTS reports on the Commission’s webpage. D. November 5th Presentation to City Council:  Chairperson Hilton provided the Commissioners with a preview of the presentation slides that will be used for the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission presentation to City Council. Commissioners reviewed, discussed, provided suggestions, and planned the logistics of their presentation to City Council. E. Update on Proposal from Garlic City BMX to Develop a +/- 1.3-Acre Dirt Pump Track (Bicycle Skills Area) Within a Vacant Portion of Land at Christmas Hill Park:  Chairperson Hilton provided an update on the recent approval by City Council, during their 10/15/2018 regular meeting, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Garlic City BMX regarding the development of a Dirt Pump Track at Christmas Hill Park. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Introduction of Budget Request Process for FY 20 and FY 21:  This item was moved up and presented on after Item 5, “Ceremonial Items”. Finance Manager Atkins gave the Commission with an overview of the upcoming FY 20 and FY 21 request process and asked the Commission, via City Council direction, to identify items they would like to see in the next two-year budget cycle and provide rough cost estimates for each item. These items would be sent to City Council as recommendations for inclusion into the next two-year budget. The Commission decided to brainstorm ideas from now until the November meeting, and create an agenda item to discuss items followed by another agenda item to vote on recommended items for the FY 20 and FY 21 budget. B. Amendments to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Bylaws:  City Administration Fellow Carrera gave a report on the proposed amendments to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Bylaws subject to approval by the Commission. Vice Chairperson Reeder motioned to approve the amended Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Bylaws, Commissioner Reedy seconded, the motion carried unanimously. 10. CORRESPONDENCE 2019 Annual Recruitment Flyer for Board and Commission Open Seats 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton:  There was no report. B. Vice Chairperson Chad Reeder:  “National Take a Hike Day” sponsored by AARP is on November 17th. C. Commissioner Leonardo Gonzalez:  There was no report. The commissioner was absent. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez:  There was no report. E. Commissioner Sean Reedy:  The “Let’s All Go to the Park” event at Christmas Hill Park occurred in coordination with the County Health Department with attendance from board and commission members along with elected officials.  Went to the bike/ped counts conference. The big points discussed were about equity and fairness and making sure there is outreach and effective engagement to impacted communities so that they can participate in the process in regards to walking and biking development.  Speaking with a VTA Transportation Planner during a presentation, she stated that Gilroy is a priority area for bike/ped improvements. However, due to staff turnover, it has fallen off the slate. She was going to be meeting with City staff to discuss priorities for such improvements.  Attended a presentation by an assembly member field representative which included detailed information about a SRTS program from a state assembly level, SB 1 funds, and ADG 17 air quality, and a summit that reached out to young people, pop up demos  Caltrans gave a presentation about a pedestrian plan which they are asking feedback for, and they are shifting from spot safety to a more proactive approach to identify potential improvements to bike/ped corridors.  Getting the community engaged by having community members and students to take photos of areas that may need improvements. 12. STAFF COMMENTS  Hope you liked the presentation tonight on the Automall Parkway project.  Update on requests from the Commission regarding sidewalk requests at 2nd and Miller, 4th and Church, and 5th and Church. Prior to putting in any crosswalks, there is need to perform research and investigate whether a crosswalk is necessary. The City has an on-call contractor on-board to do any bike, pedestrian, and vehicular counts throughout the City. Staff will be looking at having them conduct data collection and evaluation at the intersections requested to help make a determination.  The County has hired Alta Planning and Design to put together a SRTS map for each of the schools within the area. They are going to do outreach to the various schools to gather input. City staff will try to participate in these outreach events. There was an event on the 17th of October and there are two scheduled for tomorrow (October 24th). Mr. Heap will be attending the one at El Roble Elementary School tomorrow at 4:30 to 6:30 pm and the other one is at Rod Kelley from 1 to 2 PM. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING  There were none. ADJOURN: 7:46 p.m. to the November 27th, 2018 meeting at 6pm.