09/24/2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/22/2019 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, September 24, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Sean Reedy - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt Lionel Gonzalez Chad Reeder ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer Sheila Castillo, Management Assistant 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, September 20, 2019, at 10:12 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Martha Lara of Santa Clara Public Health was honored as the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award recipient. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • There were none. B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • In addition to the written report received, Carolyn stated, SVBC is having an infrastructure tour ride. The ride will be in Fremont on September 27th at 8:30am near Fremont Park and another tour will be in Cupertino the following Friday, October 4th at 9:00am. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 08/27/2019 Meeting B. Professional Development Training Opportunities C. Wren Investors NegDec (USA 12-01 and USA 14-02) Letter 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy, during the last meeting it was reported: • The school district supports the use of the funding for infrastructure. • California Highway Patrol is having safety courses at Glendale Elementary School. • Public Health is buying a fix-it station for Christmas Hill Park. Ribbon cutting ceremony will happen, date to follow. • Family bike night in August went well. • Four students received training for helping with SRTS. • Desire to expand the SRTS program to two schools. • There was discussion of possibly having of a liaison and other volunteers to help continue the SRTS program. • Suggestion was made to create an instruction booklet or manual for future commissioners to help deal with different situations. B. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: Commissioner Reeder reported: • The next GPAC meeting will be held on October 24th, 2019. C. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination • No nomination was made. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Gilroy Gardens Adventure Park Proposal: Barb Granter, Vice President & General Manager of Gilroy Gardens provided an extensive report on the proposal and steps a developer takes to complete such a project. • Numerous residents and other members of the public voiced their support of the proposed venue. • There was a motion to recommend to City Council that Gilroy Gardens enter into agreement to lease with Select Contracts, seconded, and motion carries unanimously. B. Measure B Education & Encouragement: • Shiloh Ballard, Executive Director of Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition spoke on various educational programs and encouragement options included in the Gilroy BPAC E&E Work Plan. • Public Comment- Alyssa of SRTS Public Health spoke on program they are in support of. Sustainability of the programs selected and • There was a motion to approve the Gilroy BPAC E&E Work Plan, seconded, and motion carries unanimously. C. Back-In-Angle Parking Pilot Program: Mr. Heap reported, and: • N. Than provided a thorough and narrated power-point presentation on the pilot program, including details of locations, surveying participants and feed-back analysis. • There was a motion to recommend to City Council for approval of Back-In-Angle Parking, seconded, and motion passes unanimously. D. Pedestrian Safety Sub-Committee Interviews: Commissioner Patrick Flautt reported, and: • Asked if there is anyone in attendance who would like to interview for the sub-committee. • Asked if there is any public comment. • He also stated there are individuals who have expressed interest in interviewing. However, they are not in attendance this evening. E. Cancel October 22nd Regular Meeting and Schedule Special Meeting October 24th: Chairperson Zachary Hilton reported: • The meeting change was canceled. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Mountain Bike Team Flyer National Night Out Flyer Do Not Block the Bike Lane Flyer 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton stated: • SB127, complete streets has passed the assembly and is at the Senate now. • SB400 also passed, which allows one to obtain a voucher that you can turn in for an e-bike. B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy stated: • Chairperson Hilton will be recognized at the YMCA on October 11th. The event is open to the public and it is a fund-raiser. • National Night Out is coming up on October 1st. We will have a booth at the event and will be handing out helmets. C. Commissioner Patrick Flautt stated: • He formally applied for the available position formerly held by Cat Tucker on the Caltrain Board. He stated, he hopes to take up the reins and bring back any issues. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez stated: • He would like to support the non-profit organization for Las Madres – Turkey Tot Trot coming up and held by CHP. It is a 5k walk/run. He emphasized that he is hopeful the event receives an endorsement from the commission and would like to put the event on the agenda for the next meeting. E. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • No report was given. 12. STAFF COMMENTS • Mr. Heap advised that the City has started their budget review project and is looking at items for the BPC, and recommended the Commission to prepare a list of items needed. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING • Turkey To Trot for Las Madres • Presentation to City Council scheduled for November 4th, review of what will be presented • Adopt-A-Highway signs on Hecker Pass • Multi-family housing bike parking code – existing codes in other cities ADJOURN: 8:35 p.m. to the October 22nd, 2019 meeting at 6pm.