06/19/2019 Historic Heritage Committee Regular Meeting Adopted 09/18/2019Historic Heritage Committee Meeting June 19, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. I. OPEN MEETING Chair Seebart called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. III. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Management Assistant Christina Ruiz reported the agenda for the Regular Historic Heritage Committee meeting of June 19, 2019 was posted on Friday, June 14, 2019 at 1:15 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Chair Seebart, Committee Member Morales Medina, Council Member Leroe- Muñoz and Committee Member Fischer. Absent: Committee Member Robinson. III. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES May 15, 2019 Motion on Item III Motion to approve the minutes of May 15, 2019 as written Moved by Committee Member Fischer, seconded by Committee Member Morales Medina Vote: Motion carried 3-1-0-1 Yes: Chair Seebart, Vice Chair Morales Medina, and Committee Member Fischer. Absent: Committee Member Robinson No: None Abstain: Council Member Leroe-Muñoz IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Chair Seebart opened public comment. None. Chair Seebart closed public comment. V. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Historic Heritage Committee strategic goals, processes and improvements Chair Seebart briefly elaborated on the items that were discussed at the previous meeting. The three main items included: 1. Reduce Fees 2. Allow approvals at Committee level 3. Define “Significant” in the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to changes to historic structures Chair Seebart noted that the latter item was identified by the Committee as the first step. He shared the following ideas on how to define the term, and noted that these ideas could be presented at the annual City Council report in October. • Renovations that affect more than 50 percent of the building façade • Any changes to windows or main entry doors • Any alternations of distinguishing architectural features The Committee discussed and will revisit this topic closer to the presentation date. Chair Seebart opened public comment. None. Chair Seebart closed public comment. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Report from High Speed Rail Citizen’s Working Group Chair Seebart provided a comprehensive presentation on the California High Speed Rail Authority Project Section: Range of Alternatives for October 2017 and February 2019. Comments were received from the Committee. Chair Seebart opened public comment. Public Member Carol DeSantis spoke. Chair Seebart closed public comment. B. Report on Downtown Façade Improvement Pilot Program Planning Manager, Julie Wyrick provided a brief presentation on the overview of the upcoming pilot program for the Downtown Façade Improvement. Chair Seebart and Vice Chair Morales Medina requested City staff to consult with the Historic Heritage Committee on certain projects prior to going to City Council’s for approval. Chair Seebart noted that he had previously asked staff to bring the details of the downtown facade improvement plan on multiple occasions: after the plan was requested by council, again after the council specified their preferred plan, and once more when the preferred plan was nearing finalization. Chair Seebart opened public comment. Public Member Carol DeSantis spoke. Chair Seebart closed public comment. VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None. VIII. ORAL REPORTS BY MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC HERITAGE COMMITTEE Vice Chair Medina-Morales requested a time or date change for the scheduled August meeting. IX. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT Planning Manager, Julie Wyrick presented a brief report on the upcoming webinars offered by California Preservation Foundation. ADJOURNMENT at 6:48 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting of July 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. _____________________________ Christina Ruiz, Management Assistant