01/11/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/08/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7 00 P M Wednesday January 11 2012 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith Kathleen at 7 00 p m in the Senior Center Meeting Room 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy California SECRETARY S REPORT Four commissioners were present Newly appointed Commissioner Taylor was excused APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Smith Carol and seconded by Commissioner Armenta to approve the minutes of December 14 2011 Hearing no objections it was so ordered APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Armenta and seconded by Commissioner Smith Carol to approve the Agenda of January 11 2012 Hearing no objections it was so ordered INTRODUCTIONS None PRESENTATIONS None PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None NEW BUSINESS A Election of 2012 Chair and Vice-Chair Commissioner Smith Kathleen will serve as Chair of the Library Commission Commissioner Smith Carol will serve as Vice-Chair B Discussion of New Library Plan Update Below is a summary of the Gilroy Library PowerPoint Project Update Report that was compiled by Public Information Officer Joe Kline Construction of New Library Building Schedule -The overall schedule is tracking for completion in spring 2012 The Grand Opening is scheduled for April after the library staffhas a chance to move The building will be substantially complete in late February Roofing -The roof is complete with some tile punch list items pending The north trellis built-up roof was installed in December and is waiting for final gravel surfacing PV -The flat roof PV panels have been installed The south trellis array will be complete in January in time to begin commissioning the system Skin -The building will receive two coats of elastomeric paint in mid-January weather permitting The building openings have been sealed in Plaster patching will coincide with painting the stucco Windows -All windows are installed and are being tested in conjunction with the building management system to achieve coordinated controls Mechanical Systems -Functional testing on the heating and ventilation system will occur in January No major issues have been found and the variable ref igerant volume system is operating as expected Commissioning will be ongoing through the next few months Interior -The restroom terrazzo is complete and the open area terrazzo will be complete in late January Acoustic ceiling systems are completed and the soft ceiling grid work has been installed Architectural Details -The veneer woodwork began in December and will continue into February Fabric-wrapped panels and wood ceiling installation is underway Furnishings -The shelving fit-up has begun and will not be completed until early February The furniture has been purchased and is being stored off-site The installation is scheduled for mid-February Interface and Rosanna Street -All of the flat work has been placed The permeable paver mock-up has been accepted allowing the walkways to b completed this month Fast Facts -The project is 85 complete tracking by hard construction cost To attain two Regional Materials Credits 20 of all construction materials must be extracted processed and manufactllred within 500 miles of the site The project is currently tracking at 64 The recycled content of building material based on cost is 17 to date The goal is to achieve 20 The percentage is expected to increase once the final submittals are in 94 of the construction waste has been diverted from the landfill to date The goal is to achieve at least 75 This rating may eatn the project an exemplary perfonnance point The team continues to regularly update the LEED scorecard and anticipates achieving a Gold rating The team is striving to exceed that rating but the process will not be finalized until 2013 An updated LEED tracking spreadsheet is available The design credits have been uploaded and the team continues to track the construction credits Page20f5 DECEMBER 2011 BOND EXPENDITURES Earth Systems Applied Materials Harley Ellis Devereaux Consolidated CM Construction Management Smith Emery Devcon Construction Nova Partners South Valley Pro Hulberg and AssoCiates PG E TOTAL 2 583 58 25 886 15 734 3 122 2 488 542 48 147 375 2 100 1 386 2 587 933 SUMMARY OF PROJECT ACTIVITY SERIES A Remaining Series A at 12 31 11 0 SERIES B Series B Funds at 11 3011 November 2011 Expenditures Remaining Funds at 12 31 11 17 737 857 2 587 933 15 149 924 ConstruCtion began July 2010 mid is scheduled to continue through spring 2012 c Discussion ofDonor Recognition for the New Library Discussion will occur at alater date LIBRARY REPORTS Deputy County Librarian Nancy Howe The 2012 Library Friends and Commissioners Forum will be held in February 2012 at the Library Administration Offices The date of the Forum has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday February 4th from 8 30am -noon The Keynote Speaker will be Senator Simitian On December 13 2011 Governor Brown announced that the budget trigger enacted as part of the 2011-12 State budget would be pulled Included in the cuts was the remaining 16 million the State provided to public libraries through three programs Public Library Foundation per capita funding for all service area residents Transaction Based Reimbursement support for libraries loaning their materials to residents of other jurisdictions and California Library Literacy Services programs to teach adults to read Santa Clara County Library had already factored the cuts into its 2011-12 budget so there will be no further operational impacts from the cut Silicon Valley Reads SVR will celebrate its 10th Anniversary by kicking off the year with two authors on Wednesday January 25 2010 at 7 30pm at the Campbell Heritage Theater Two books about what it is like to be both Muslim and American have been selected for Silicon Valley Reads 2012 the regional program that asks everyone in Santa Clara County to read the Page 3 of 5 same books at the same time and then discuss them Santa Clara County Library is one of three co-sponsors along with the San Jose Public Library Foundation and the Santa Clara County Office of Education The next meeting of the Joint Powers Authority Board is on January 26 2012 at 1 30pm at the Library Administration Offices in Los Gatos JP A agenda items to be discussed will include free wireless access for visitors without library cards Library computer daily access fees for visitors without cards criteria for free library cards for non-District residents who are Library volunteers and a review of the Library Funding Formula JP A agendas and minutes will be posted on the Library website the Friday before each meeting www scclorg City Librarian Lani Yoshimura Staff -ChildrenJs Supervising Librarian Linda Glawatz and Library Page Denise Leverton remain on medical leave Diana Lara enthusiastically continues to be acting Children s Supervising Librarian Substitutes are currently being used to cover desk hours for vacant positions The vacant Librarian rill Adult position will be filled soon There have been many inquiries about library jobs in light of the new facility Currently there are no plans for hiring new staff Safety Security -As reported in previous months graffiti and vandalism have been an on-going problem The incidents are being documented and Community Relations Officer Rachel MtillOZ continues to be notified Lani has also been in touch with Pat Sullivan the School Resource Officer about a couple of children who are at the library when they should be in school Both have behavioral issues which may be affecting the library New Library -Library patrons are anxious for the new building to open Staff would like to keep the book drop open even though the library will be closed for 6 weeks during February and March for the move Checkout times for items checked out prior to the closure will be extended during that time Details will follow once the new library transition team has met The grand opening ofthe new library will be in late Apri12012 Woman of the Year -Lani has been named Woman of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce There will be dinner at the San Juan Bautista Country Club on February 11 2012 This is a wonderful opportunity to publicize the new library Circulation -The November 2011 circulation at Gilroy Library increased 7 3 over November 2010 The Gate count in November 2011 was 19 982 a 6 15 increase over November 2010 Programs -The Library held 22 Adult Teen and Children s pr6grams with a total attendance of 160 people in December January Calendar of Events -Children s Story time is held on Tuesday evenings Families are welcome and children may come in their pajamas and Wednesday mornings Ages 2-5 Three Family Movies will be shown including Mr PopperJs Penguins Jan 20 Kung Fu Panda 2 Jan 21 and Dolphin Tale Jan 21 Participate in the Healthy Steps Workshop Jan 4 or learn how to reduce stress and improve health at the Meditation Workshop Jan 19 See artofliving org for moreinformation Join the Garlicky Group of Poets for Open Poetry Page 4 of 5 Readings Jan 14 The Book Club will discuss Cuttingfor Stone by Abraham Verghese Jan 31 See www sccl org for more information Free Library eBooks and Downloadable Audio Books -View a quick video tutorial get step-by-step instnlCtions or find out what devices are compatible on the library website at ww sccl org electronic library ereaders COMMISSION COMMENTS Vice-Chair Smith suggested submitting all payment checks together in order to reserve a table at the Febmary 11 Ih banquet honoring Woman of the Year Lani Yoshimura ST AFF COMMENTS Chair Smith suggested that a committee be formed to coordinate with the other agencies involved in the Grand Opening of the new Gilroy Library Commissioner Armenta stated that Jay Baksa would like the Library 4 Gilroy Committee to be included in the Grand Opening FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future Agenda items include Library Commission involvement in the Library Grand Opening and Future City Directional Signs to the new Library ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith Kathleen adjourned the meeting at 7 52 p m FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday Febmary 8 2012 at 7 00 p m in the Senior Center Meeting Room 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy CA 7L--l---C --7l UL Ly e Conrotto Recording Secretary Page 5 of5