03/14/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/11/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7;00 P.M. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith (Kathleen) at 7; 05 p.m. in the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT All five commissioners were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Smith (Carol) and seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to approve the minutes of February 8, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Armenta and seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to approve the Agenda of March 14, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS None, PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of New Library Plan Update Below is a suunmary of the Gilroy Library PowerPoint Project Update Report that was compiled by Public Inrformation Officer Joe Kline. Construction of New Library Building Schedule — Tenant occupancy has been granted by the City, allowing the library staff to start moving their equipment into the building. The grand opening is scheduled for April 28th, after which the library will be fully operational and open to the public. Paseo — Four Crepe Myrtle trees were successfiilly relocated to the western facade of the police annex. The underground and sub grade is complete. Concrete flat work and pavers will continue through March. This feature will be in place by the grand opening. Mechanical Systems — All of the equipment has been tested and is functioning as designed. As part of the LEED process of measurement and verification, the systems will undergo a year -long testing sequence to make sure they maintain their high-level of efficiency. Interior — Finish punch lists have been generated, and minor aesthetic details are being fine tuned for quality control. Systems Integration -- The communication infrastructure and building management system are in place. The library staff will start sounding out and integrating their equipment and interface in March and April. Furnishings — The shelving (stacks) is installed, with minor adjustments being made. All of the loose furniture will be delivered this month. Landscape /Site — The large trees and ground covering have been planted. The grey water irrigation system is being tested and finalized this month. Fast Facts — The project is currently 97% complete, tracking by hard construction cost. The pervious concrete and the bulk of the penneable pavers have been installed. With recent rains, it appears that very little storm water will end up in the backup drainage system. The recycled content of building material based on cost is undergoing review to determine the final numbers. The goal is to achieve 20 %. The percentage is expected to increase once the final submittals are in. 91% of the construction waste has been diverted from the landfill to date. The goal is to achieve at least 75 %. This rating may earn the project an exemplary performance point. The team continues to regularly update the LEED scorecard and anticipates achieving a Gold rating. The team is striving to exceed that rating, but the process will not be finalized until 2013. FEBUARY 2012 BOND EXPENDITURES Applied Materials 1,879 ARC 645 Consolidated CM (Consa-uction Management) 16,965 Berliner Cohen 2,229 Harley Ellis Devereaux 35,956 Nova Partners 93,669 Deveon 1,272,320 PG &E 3,582 Verizon California 338 Smith Ernery 6,501 Republic ITS 39,585 TOTAL S 44737670 Page 2 of 4 SUMMARY OF PROTECT ACTIVITY SERIES A Remaining Series A at 1/31/12 $ SERIES B Series B Funds at 1/31/12 $ 15,135,945 February 2012 Expenditures (1,473,670) Remaining Funds at 2/29/12 $ 13,662,275 Construction began July 2010, and is scheduled to continue through spring 2012. B. Discussion 'of Donor Recognition for the New Library Discussion will occur at a later date. C. Discussion of Grand Opening Ceremony for New Library Melinda Cervantes and Lani Yoshimura are in contact with the project management team to plan the grand opening. The event will begin at 10:00 with speeches, Ribbon Cutting at 11:3 0, and entertainment from 11 :3 5 to 2:00. LIBRARY REPORTS County Librarian,, Melinda Cervantes Wireless network access is now free at all Santa Clara County Library District locations, regardless of cardholder status. Non - cardholders may now purchase a $4 guest pass to use the Library's computers for a two -hour session. The grand opening of the new 54,300 square foot Gilroy Library will be held on April 28, 2012. More details will be available soon. The temporary library in Gilroy will close at the end of business on March 17th to prepare for the move. The Milpitas Library will reduce service hours from 66 per week to 54 per week beginning on April 1, while maintaining seven -day service, as a result of a decision by the Milpitas City Council to stop funding additional service hours. Four staff positions will be eliminated, but opportunities exist for all four employees to be placed into vacancies at other libraries in the district. The Campbell Library will expand service hours from 47 per week (on 5 days) to 51 hours per week (on 6 days) beginning on April 30. Campbell Library will now be open Mondays for the first time since 2004. While no additional fiinding was available, the Library's workload has been significantly reduced by the non - District resident fee, allowing library staff to work more efficient "single -shift days" to expand their availability. The Library is pleased to welcome Megan Wong, formerly of the Sacramento Public Library, into the newly created position of Virtual Library Manager to head up the Library's digital initiatives and services. Page 3 of 4 All Santa Clara County Library District locations will be closed on May 11, 2012 for the Library biennial staff development day. In addition, the following libraries will have temporary closures for renovation projects; 'Cupertino (April 9 -11), Saratoga (May 7 -13) and Los Altos May 23 -31). Silicon Valley Reads (SVR) events continue through April.. See the Silicon Valley Reads 2012 booklet or www.siliconvalleyreads.org for information on over 100 programs to be offered this year. The Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority Board will hold a special meeting on March 15 at 1:30 p.m. at the Library Administration Offices, 14600 Winchester Blvd. in Los Gatos to discuss the remodeling costs of the new library administration building. The next meeting of the JPA Board is April 26, 20122 at 1:30pm at the Library Administration Offices in Los Gatos: JPA agendas and minutes will be posted on the Library website the Friday before each meeting: www.sect.org. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Ms. Yoshimura did not present a formal report. The temporary library will be closing this Saturday, March 17, and staff is going through training on the systems at the new building. COMMISSION COMMENTS Chair Smith (Kathleen) commented on how much she.enjoyed the CALTAC Spring Workshop on February 25"' in Walnut Creek. ' She learned tips on advocacy and fundraising, and said it was nicely attended. She mentioned that Gilroy received applause about opening the new Gilroy Library. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Current Agenda items include Library Commission involvement in the Library Grand Opening and Future City Directional Signs to the new Library. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith (Kathleen) adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA. Ly : e Conrotto, Recording Secretary- Page 4 of 4