05/09/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/13/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 9, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Vice -Chair Smith Carol) at 7: 02pm. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT All four commissioners were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to approve the minutes of April 11, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Armenta and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to approve the Agenda of May 9, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS None. PRESENTATIONS Chair Smith (Carol) read a letter to Lani Yoshimura from Public Information Technician Jacqui Carrasco congratulating her on the Grand Opening of the new Gilroy Library, and presented her with a Certificate of Commendation from Mike Wasserman of the County Board of Supervisors and a Certificate of Recognition plaque from Assemblyimember Luis Alejo PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. NEW BUSINESS A. Re- Election of 2012 Chair and Vice -Chair Carol Smith will serve as the new Chair of the Library Commission. Phyllis Armenta will serve as the new Vice - Chair. B. Discussion of New Library Plan Update Public Information Officer Joe Kline thanked the Commission for allowing him to attend the meetings and share his PowerPoint presentations. He stated that he would return periodically (possibly quarterly) with updates, especially on the LEEDS process. He also told the Commission to feel free to contact him with any questions they may have. C. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library Discussion will occur at a later date. D. Library Report to City Council on June 4, 2012 Chair Smith (Carol) will give the report to City Council. LIBRARY REPORTS Acting County Librarian, Nancy Howe County Executive Jeff Smith has appointed Nancy Howe as the Acting County Librarian for the Santa Clara County Library District. A national recruitment for a new County Librarian will be conducted over the next few months. The Library is pleased to welcome their new Financial and Administrative Services Manager, Chuck Griffen, who begins his new assignment on May 7, 2012. Chuck brings 20 years of experience, of which 13 years involved managing complex departments within the City of San Jose, including his most recent assignment as the Administrative Officer and member of the executive management team for the San Jose Public Library. The Library has recently completed the upgrade to new public and staff computers running Windows 7 and including the Microsoft Office 2010 suite of programs. 290 new staff computers and over 500 new public computers have been deployed over the last two months. Two new short YouTube videos have been created by library staff to promote Santa Clara County Library services: 1) Santa Clara County Libraries — Welcome! http:/ /www.youtube.com/watch ?v--Sif3Dq d VA 2) Kids Love Santa Clara County Libraries! li4: / /www.youtube.com/ watch ?v= vpjwwXdmt]Po &feature =relmfu A much more elaborate promotional video will have its world premiere at the Library's Staff Development Day on May 11, and will be widely shared later in the month. At the JPA Board meeting on April 26, the Board reviewed the Fiscal Year 2013 Recommended Budget, which will be agendized for final approval at the next JPA meeting. The next JPA Board meeting will be held on June 7, 2012 at 1:30pm. at the Library Administration Offices, 14600 Winchester Blvd. in Los Gatos. JPA agendas and minutes will be posted on the Library website the Friday before each meeting: www.scel.org. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Staff — Elizabeth Munoz -Rosas has accepted the bilingual Adult Services Librarian position. Library Page Tom Hewitt has accepted a part -time coded library page position at Morgan Hill Library. Library pages Denise Leverton and Stephanie Gove remain on medical leave. Sad News -- Children's Supervising Librarian Linda Glawatz passed away shortly before the Grand Opening. Linda has been on medical leave for nearly a year. She had been employed by the Santa Clara Coimty Library for about 25 years. She was preceded in death a few weeks earlier by Gilroy Library Commission chair Kathleen Nolan Smith. Kathleen was working on a Master's Degree in Communications, and she was serving her second term on the Commission. Both will be dearly missed. Page 2 of 3 Safety /Security — The new library has had vandalism from day one. Youth have been enthralled with the elevator. Otis Elevator and the Fire Department have been receiving many calls per day from the phones in the elevator and in the area of refuge. Grand Opening Celebration — On Saturday, April 28, the following occurred: 145 Library Cards were issued. 5,504 Patron Gate Count were recorded (2 or more patrons entering simultaneously often are counted as 1). Total checkout was 5,615 (4,293 by self CKO, 1,322 by staff). Staff estimated that nearly half of Gilroy came through the doors the first 3 days (There were about 8,000 people per day in the library the first 3 days). Campbell Library Community Librarian Cheryl Houts helped staff on opening day. She shared a story from a 30- something young roan that said to her: "Wow, this is so much more than I expected. I've seen state -of -the -art libraries while in college and this beats all." COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Smith (Hugh) had questions for Lani regarding security in the area of refuge, and also about fees for public use of the Community Room. STAFF COMMENTS Mayor Al Pinheiro will present his annual greeting to the Library Commission at the next meeting on June 13, 2012. City Council will open recruitment for the vacant seat on the Library Commission soon. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith (Carol) adjourned the meeting at 7:55pim. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 7:00pm. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. Lyr46 Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3