11/14/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 12/12/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 14, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith (Carol) at 7: 00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT Four commissioners were present. Commissioner Smith (Hugh) was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Spencer to approve the minutes of October 10, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Armenta and seconded by Commissioner Spencer to approve the Agenda of November 14, 2012. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS Cathy Perga, who is a Library Commissioner in Los Altos, visited the Library for the first time and commented on how wonderfiil it is. She gave a brief description/summary of the work plan at Los Altos Library and said it was recommended by Los Altos City Councilwoman, CindyHill, that the Commissioners visit other city Commission meetings. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library Discussion will occur at a later date. LIBRARY REPORTS County Librarian, Nancy Howe Joint Powers Authority Board — The Board met on October 25 and passed the following actions: 1) Decided to keep using the same method for distributing annual revenue to communitylibraries. The City Managers and County Manager spent several months studying the platform and formula distribution. This method is outlined below: cential Services; 58% I Shared Services I n ON ZPersonnel and materials 1VliIurrrura3 Service Platfonil 27% Fors uhi Shaine 15% Utilities 30 hours /week 1/3 circulation Rent per library 113 population Maintenance 30 + 20 hours/ 1/3 assessed valuation Technology week for Los Altos Other 2) Approved service contracts with Gene Bregman and Associates to conduct polling, and Lew Edwards Group to assist with public awareness in preparation for a possible election to renew the Community Facilities District special tax that will expire in June 2015. This tax currentlyaccountsfor17% of annual library revenue. (3) Elected Gilbert Wong (Cupertino) as Chair and Jason Baker (Campbell) as Vice -Chair for 2013. (4) Recognized and thanked departing JPA members Santa Clara County Supervisor Liz Kniss, Councilman Jean Mordo, and Councilwoman and JPA Chair Lana Malloy for their years of service. (5) Accepted the end -of- year financial report for the July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 fiscal year. Payment Stations — Payment Stations have been installed in each library. The self-service stations allow patrons to pay fines and fees by cash and credit card. The can also purchase a two -hour computer guest pass for $4.00. Read With Me" Kits — Family Reading Kits have been added to the library collections. These Kits are designed to encourage children and their caregivers to read together and to promote early literacy. The kits, housed in clear bags, contain a fun and engaging assortment of books, a CD or DVD, a puppet and activity suggestions. Each kit is created around a single theme, such as Colors, Dinosaurs or Bedtime, and is available for check out for three weeks. California Reads: Children's Art Contest — Children in grades K -8 were invited to submit original art to the Santa Clara County Library District's We Are America contest, in support of Searching for Democracy," a California Reads program in partnership with Calflu vanities. The contest had three categories for children in grades K -2, 3 -5 and 6 -8. Winning art works were chosen by a panel of local judges. Winners will receive art supplies, and art work will be featured on the Library's website and inside the Library. California Reads: Teen Photo ra by Contest — Teens in grades 6 -12 were invited to participate in the Library District's digital photography contest "Democracy Is," in support of California Reads: Searching for Democracy. Winners were chosen by online votes. The winners received. a gift card, and the winning photos are featured on the library home page. New Bookmobile — The new Bookmobile was delivered on October 15, 2012 by Meridian Specialty. Vehicles. This smaller vehicle replaces the 20- year -old Thomas Bookmobile in Page 2 of 4 delivering service to areas with steep, windy roads (like Mt. Hamilton and the Santa Cruz Mountains) and is the perfect size to take to promotional and outreach events. It has a variety ofnewfeatures, which help the Library provide better service and be more cost efficient. It has three solar panels on the roof which generate enough power to run the lights and computers, eliminating the need to use the generator at each stop. It also has a fan on the roof and skylight which will also help with light and cooling. Two entrances are available: one with a set of stairs and one with a wheelchair /walker lift to assist physically disable users. The new Bookmobile will be available for public viewing at each County Library during the months ofNovemberandDecember. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura (Report given by Lucio Ortiz) Personnel -- Sharon Kelly began working as the new Gilroy Library Children's SupervisingLibrarianonNovember6. Sharon started as a page at the Campbell Library in the late 1970's. She later earned her master's degree in library science and worked for the County Library as a Librarian I /II, and later as Children's Program Librarian at Alum Rock Library. She moved into school libraries during the budget crisis in the early 1990's, and currently works as a school librarian and teaches a library skills class at West Valley College. The Library thanks Diana Lara for all her help during this very difficult year of moving and transition. She provided stability to the Gilroy Library children's program during the absence and subsequent death of Linda Glawatz, and has been well -liked by patrons and staff. Diana returns to Children's Services at the Milpitas Library. The Library welcomes three new pages: Jack Wu, Jade Eriksson and Nancy Macias. Library page Denise Leverton remains on-medical leave. FRIENDS of the Gilroy Library -- The Friends group has reorganized and incorporated as a nonprofit after all these years. The group held its first membership meeting and also its first Board meeting in September. Officers have been elected and committee chairs appointed. The Friends will continue their book sales thanks to the ongoing direction and guidance of Isabel Jewell.. Other programs may include helping the library with deliveries to the homebound. The Gilroy City Council declared National Friends of the Libraries Week from October 21 -27, 2012. Mayor Al Pinheiro also honored longtime members of the Friends of the Gilroy Librarybeforethegroupincorporated, including: Isabel Jewell, 30 years + secretary /treasurer and book sale coordinator; Louise Young, almost 30 years; Tom Howard, 20+ years; and Hugh and Carol Smith, nearly 20 years. These individuals have been the backbone of the Friends' group raising thousands of dollars and providing countless hours of volunteer support for library programsandlibrarycampaigns. October Programs — Besides ongoing storytimes (including bi- lingual and baby storytimes), book chub meetings, teen movies, ESL conversation club meetings, and the writers' group, more than 2,000 individuals attended the following special and outreach programs that took place in October: Election Pros and Cons presented by the League of Women's Voters (Oct. 6). Day of the Dead celebration which included altar decoration and performance by a localAztecdancersgroupoflocalstudents (Oct. 23). Fall Festival including: Costume Parade for Children, Day of the Dead Sugar Skull activityformiddleschoolanddrop -in craft activities (Oct. 27). Page 3 of 4 Flash mob dance in the lobby with 70 dance students who attend Del Buono and Rod Kelley schools. About 325 people, including the students, attended (Oct. 27 at 4:15pm). COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Taylor asked Lucio Ortiz if the graffiti problems contimie, and Mr. Ortiz stated that the situation has improved. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Item A, Discussion of Donor Recognition, will remain on the Agenda. Commissioner Taylor would like to add "Discussion of Work plan at Los Altos Library" to the next Agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith (Carol) adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. V e -- e Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4