06/11/2014 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 08/13/2014CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 11, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Spencer at 7: 05 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street in Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT All five commissioners were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Smith (Carol) to approve the minutes of May 14, 2014. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to approve the amended agenda of May 14, 2014. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS Chair Spencer introduced .Mayor Don Gage, who was making his annual visit to the Library Commission. Mayor Gage thanked the Commissioners for serving and discussed a number of issues including: City Budget and City Council goals, future library parking, new homes to be built in Gilroy, a possible bond election in November for City improvements (Quality of Life Measure), signage ordinance, a new fire station in the southwest quadrant and improvements to the existing fire stations, a new roundabout near Las Animas School, and downtown improvements. Chair Spencer asked how the Library Commission can get more involved in the community now that the new library has already been built and there are no problems or issues. After discussing various ideas, such as working with other commissions, Mayor. Gage stated that is was not necessary for the Commission to meet every month if there is no new business to discuss and there are no issues or problems. Chair Spencer also showed Mayor Gage a draft thank you letter to local insurance broker Mike Sanchez, who volunteered his time to help sign numerous people up for Covered California at the Gilroy Library. Mayor Gage stated that the City Clerk will help put the letter on City of Gilroy letterhead, and she will send copies to the City Council. Commissioner Smith (Hugh) brought up the library parking issue. Mayor Gage would Iike the City Council to make additional library parking more of a priority, especially since the money is already set aside. Mayor Gage stated that he would be glad to come back to a meeting at any time if the Library Commission had any questions or needed his help on any issues. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Library Commission Work Plan Chair Spencer presented a list of members of local Commissions and Committees that the Library Commission can contact to see if they can be of service. Various suggestions included Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Leadership Gilroy. Chair Spencer brought up the idea of having a bicycle safety program at the Gilroy Library to be sponsored by the Library Commission. Leadership Gilroy is also focusing on bicycle safety. Deputy Countv Librarian, Derek Wolfram JPA Meeting —The Santa Clara Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Board met on June 5th at 1:30 pm at the Services and Support Center, 1370 Dell Avenue in Campbell. Actions included: final approval of the FY 2014 -15 budget; acceptance of the Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2012 -13; adoption of a stronger Behavior Policy; establishment of a Fines and Fee Committee to review and propose revisions; and adoption of the 2014 Legislative Policy Agenda. State Budget funding for public libraries — There is Legislature Budget Conference Committee regarding an library funding (see attachment from the California Library interest to Santa Clara County Library District is the Y Reimbursement (TBR) which is not specifically named in area for restored funding. currently discussion in the State ncrease of $10 million for public Association — CLA). Of particular storation of Transactional Based the CLA memo, but could be one The State stopped funding of Transactional Based Reimbursement (TBR) in 2011. TBR had provided reimbursement to local libraries for a portion of costs incurred when extending lending services beyond service area residents. TBR provided an incentive for free, seamless library use across jurisdictions. Local funding of libraries results in disparity of service levels. TBR provided a critical source of funds to the Santa Clara County-Library District ( SCCLD), which was the largest recipient of TBR funds in the State. In 2010 -1 1, the last year the funds were provided, SCCLD received over $1.2 million. To help mitigate the loss of the funds and to preserve the service level to residents, the Library JPA instituted a non - District resident annual card fee of $80. However, the average annual amount received from this fee has varied from S400,000 in 2011 -12 to 335,000 projected this fiscal year. The non - resident fee also resulted in a decrease in demand for limited library services. Public libraries provide essential access to information and life -long learning to ,all. Before 21011, SCCLD was able to provide free library service to all versus free library service to residents of the District. The residents of Silicon Valley may not live, work; or attend school in Page 2 of 4 the same jurisdiction. Free, seamless service across jurisdictions is still the preferred service model of SCCLD and TBR helped make that possible. PR Award — The California Library Association PR Excellence Awards honor the highest quality efforts of California libraries in promoting and communicating their message to their patrons. This year, the Santa Clara County Library District won the Best Electronics Media campaign (for libraries with budgets of more- than S 10 million) for its 2013 "Sharing Starts Here" video. The project goal was to develop a short video that would provide a creative way to showcase the different services, resources and programs the Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) offers to the public. The intended audience for this video was the general public residing in the Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) offers to. the public. The video was designed to have broad audience appeal for both Library users and nonusers. All seven community libraries are featured in the video. The "Sharing Starts Here" video accomplished the project goal by using high quality film images to communicate important SCCLD value propositions that resonate with the intended audiences. The value propositions featured in the video indicate that SCCLD is a place for: (1) sharing stories, (2) sharing reading, (3) sharing imagination, (4) sharing opportunities for success, (5) sharing technology, (6) sharing expertise, and (7) sharing resources and free programs. Gilroy Library Building Issues — The AV issues in the Community Room have been fixed. There are minor plumbing problems to be addressed. Also, the controls and the entire wiring system will be checked out due to intennittent problems with lighting. The automated window system has never worked properly and will also be checked out. SCCLD 100 -Year Anniversary — SCCLD staff, volunteers and local residents will attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the "most people balancing a book simultaneously in a single venue" at the kick -off event on Saturday, September 6 °i at 9:00am at the Saratoga Library. The target is to get 1,200 people to participate. The current world record was set in the Philippines in 2008 by 939 people. Citv Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Y Lani distributed a report, Summer Reading information and Calendar of Events to the Commissioners. See attached reports. COMMISSION COMMENTS None. STAFF COMMENTS The Library Commission Presentation to City Council is June 16, 2014. The next regular meeting of the Library Commission on July 9, 2014 has been cancelled. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion of Library Commission Work Plan will remain on the next agenda. Page 3 of 4 ADJOURNMENT Chair Spencer adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. The regular meeting on July 9, 2014 has been cancelled. e Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4