05/13/2015 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/10/2015CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Hugh Smith at 7:00 p.m. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Agenda for this meeting was posted on May 7, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Rashmi Beman, Patricia Cooper, Carol Smith, Hugh Smith, Joyce Taylor APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of April 8, 2015. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith (Carol). Motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Smith (Carol) to approve the agenda of May 13, 2015. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Motion passed unanimously. Chair Smith (Hugh) introduced Mayor Don Gage. Mayor Gage thanked the Commissioners for volunteering their service. He then informed the Commission of various projects the City Council was working on, as well as possible developments in the near future. Questions followed. Chair Smith thanked the Mayor, on behalf of the Library Commission, for attending the meeting and sharing information. None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Library Commission Work Plan Further discussion will be held after more information can be gathered. County Librarian, Nancy Howe Summer Challenge — The Santa Clara County Library District gives the whole family a perfect opportunity to experience something new and continue learning through the summer with the 2015 Be a Hero Summer Challenge from May 15 — August 15. There will be weekly activities, books to read and fun challenges to undertake, all for free. Every participant will receive a Summer Challenge tracker. Children who complete a variety of activities and fill the tracker win free books and passes to the Children's Discovery Museum. There are many activities to try: take a hike at a park, hear stories from a firefighter, or make your own superhero gear. All of these activities count toward the prize, and each of the Libraries has free weekly activities for all ages. The Library would like people to spread the word to communities, and encourage students to get a free library card to check out great books to keep their skills sharp over the summer break. Model reading and lifelong learning by getting your own Summer Challenge tracker. Be a hero this summer with the Summer Challenge! JPA Board — The next Joint Powers Authority Board (JPA) meeting will be Thursday, June 4 at 1:30 p.m. at 1370 Dell Avenue in Campbell. The agenda will include approval of the FY 2015- 2016 budget totaling $42,674,790. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Lam distributed a report and Calendar of Events to the Commissioners. See attached reports. She also stated that all libraries will be closed on June 3'a for technology upgrades. None. STAFF COMMENTS A Public Art Committee member will give a Library Mural Project presentation at the next Library Commission meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion of Library Commission Work Plan will remain on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chair Hugh Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, June10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. L e Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 2 of 2