01/05/2017 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/02/2017DRAFT Planning Commission Regular Meeting of JANUARY 05, 2017 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Zinnia Navarro reported the agenda was posted on Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. Present:  Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue Rodriguez Absent/Excused: None Staff Present: Office Assistant I Zinnia Navarro; Assistant City Attorney Jolie Houston; Interim Planning Manager Tolentino; Planner II Melissa Durkin Chair Rodriguez asked the commissioners if they had an objection to reordering of the agenda. Hearing none, Chair Rodriguez presented a proclamation to Commissioner Kloecker thanking him for his service as a member to the Planning Commission for the past 4 years. Mr. Kloecker thanked the members of the Planning Commission. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None to approve IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. TM 16-01 (tentative map) requests subdivision of a 29.85+/- acre site into 59 single-family lots (26 duet lots in the McCutchin Creek neighborhood and 33 single-family lots in the Palomino neighborhood), one lot for future development, one remainder lot, nine private open space lots, one public open space lot, and DRAFT associated public and private streets. This property is located northeast of Santa Teresa Boulevard, south of Club Drive (APN #808-43-002, -003, and, -005). This project is located within the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan area and is commonly known as the McCutchin Creek and Palomino neighborhoods. An environmental impact report has been certified for the proposed project. Application filed by Tim Filice and John Filice representing the Glen Loma Group. Planner II Durkin provided a presentation on TM 16-01, the McCutchin Creek/Palomino subdivision within the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan area. The Planning Commission’s discussion centered on the timing of secondary access to the school, sound wall height, treatment of the Club Drive/Santa Teresa Boulevard intersection improvements, and the location of the realigned McCutchin Creek.  Commissioner Lai asked what school neighborhood children would be attending, stating his concerns about nearby school capacity, specifically Las Animas School, and congestion. Planner II Durkin stated the school district currently utilizes neighborhood schools. Commissioner Gullen asked for clarification on the height of the sound walls. Planner II Durkin provided clarification of the sound wall heights. Commissioner Fischer asked for additional information concerning the relocation of the creek and questioned whether a bridge would be built to accommodate pedestrians. He also asked if it would extend to the school district property. Planner II Durkin responded that the creek would be realigned along the proposed school frontage, but that the creek area would be retained by the homeowners’ association. Commissioner Armendariz asked for clarification on the acreage of the park, and if there are plans for restrooms. She also asked if there are limitations from Gilroy Unified School district on construction times. Planner II Durkin stated the park would be 4.8 acres, although about three acres of that land would be usable recreational area. Planner II Durkin stated that the city does not typically construct bathrooms in neighborhood parks, as such parks are intended to serve only the local neighborhood. Commissioner Gullen asked if the duet lots are attached side by side and if they are zero lot lines. Planner II Durkin responded they are zero lot line units, attached side by side. DRAFT Commissioner Fischer asked about street improvements at the Club Drive/Santa Teresa Boulevard intersection that would be needed to accommodate the proposed creek realignment. Chris Patten, engineer for the project spoke about the proposed street improvements and clarified that an existing culvert, rather than a bridge, would be used to traverse the creek. Motion on item V.A. Motion to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council to approve, TM 16-01 with staff’s recommended conditions Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Richard Gullen. Vote: Motion carried 6-0. Yes:  Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner  Richard Gullen; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue  Rodriguez Noes: None Abstain: None VI. OLD BUSINESS: None VII. NEW BUSINESS: Interim Planning Manager Tolentino recommended continuing the item to elect a Vice Chairperson for 2017 to the February 2, 2017 meeting to allow the selection of the Chair and Vice Chair to occur at the same meeting. Motion to continue item to February 2, 2017. Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz. Vote: Motion carried 6-0. Yes:  Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner  Richard Gullen; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue  Rodriguez Noes: None Abstain: None VIII. CORRESPONDENCE:  None IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Current Planning Projects B. Planning Staff Approvals DRAFT X. PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Commissioner Ashford attended meeting for the Red Barn. He stated they will be moving forward and salvaging it to its original form. They are looking for extra money as the cost to fix the roof is going to be expensive. A meeting will be taking place in Los Banos with a group to discuss its original design. Commissioner Gullen stated this may be his last meeting as his term has expired. Commissioner Gullen re-applied to the Planning Commission and interviews are scheduled for the Special City Council meeting of January 9, 2017. XI. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS: A. City Council Meetings of December 5, 2016:  With the vacancy of former Commissioner Kloecker’s seat, there was no report. December 12, 2016: Cancelled B. Housing Advisory Committee:  Commissioner Gullen stated there was no meeting to report C. Historic Heritage Committee:  Commissioner Ashford stated there was no meeting to report D. Arts & Culture Commission:  Vacant E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee:  Vacant F. Street Naming Committee:  Commissioner Kai Lai stated there was no meeting to report G. Development Standards Task Force:  Commissioner Fischer stated there was no meeting to report H. General Plan Advisory Committee:  Commissioner Fischer stated there was no meeting to report I. High Speed Rail Advisory Committee: Commissioner Fischer stated there was no meeting no report XII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT: Interim Planning Manager Tolentino advised the commissioners we will be reviewing assignments for the various committees/task forces, City Council Meeting attendance and Planning Commission Meeting schedule at the February 2, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. DRAFT Interim Planning Manager Tolentino announced there will be a Planning Commissioners Academy March 1-3 in Los Angeles and asked the Commissioners to let her know if they would like to attend. Interim Planning Manager Tolentino asked for a volunteer to attend the January 9th and January 23rd City Council Meeting; Commissioner Fischer stated he will attend. A Joint Special Study Session of the City Council and Planning Commission will be held on January 17 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers. The purpose is to discuss three things: 1) General Plan Update; how do we move forward; 2) High Speed Rail Station Area Plan; and 3) Banner ordinance. XIII. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: No report. XIV. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT: No report. XV. ADJOURNMENT to the Next Regular Meeting of February 2, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.