Agenda Item # 3.1 - Joseph Thompson | Received 01/02/2024Fax (408) 842-2206 Editor The Dispatch 6400 Monterey Road Gilroy, CA 95020 JOSEPH P. THOMPSON Attorney at Law 8339 Church Street, Suite 112, Gilroy, CA 95020 Post Office Box 154, Gilroy, CA 95021-0154 Telephone (408) 848-550 ax (40,) 848-4246 E-Mail: :Plet Re: Downtown Gilroy and Soviet -Style Transportation Policy Dear Editor, di-tAf Could it be that our government intends to oust UP from its right-of-way through downtown Gilroy, supplanting it with Soviet -style Bullet Train and Son -of -Amtrak Caltrain? With VTA's Ministry of Truth touting Gilroy as its newest land -use planning (i.e., Sovietized) poster child, will we see an end to the history of private -sector railroads here? How many jobs will that kill -off? How much commerce will we lose if the VTA-led socialist -communist scheme is crammed down on us? The malignant tumor of socialism -communism is being stimulated by Politico -Transit Alliance advocates in our local government, our County government, and our State government, so will small business owners be able to stop this socialistic train wreck? We've seen the canneries go bankrupt and close their gates. The Black Hole Frankenstein "transit hub," where empty buses stop so public - sector union drivers can rest from the tedium of transporting empty seats around town, is growing —who knows where the socialist policy will stop? If we don't stop runaway government now, how will our children or grandchildren ever stop it? Where is an elected leader with the guts to fight back for us? I believe that it is time for us to retake our government away from the socialist small business killers. Caveat victor! Very truly yours, JOSEPH P. THOMPSON Member, Executive Committee, Debtor -Creditor -Bankruptcy Section San Member, Legislation Committee, Transportation Lawyers Assn. Member, Association for Transportation Law, Logistics & Policy Member, SBC Citizens Rail Advisory Committee Candidate, American Society of Transportation & Logistics Winner, AST&L's Best Research Paper Award 1997 Past -President, Gilroy -Morgan Hill Bar Assn. to Clara County Bar Assn. RE JAN - 2 2024 GILROY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE