Agenda Item # 14.1 - Josh Jensen | Received 01/22/2024CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Josh Jensen To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - Public Comment Item #14.1 Property: City-Owned 536 Acres at Hecker Pass (Including Gilroy Gardens Theme Park) Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 1:54:12 PM Hi - I am a resident of Santa Cruz county, a mountain biker, a father to children who enjoy outdoor recreation. We have very limited options for mountain biking that meet the expectations of challenging but safe, progressive features that I could bring mixed ages to and improve our skills. There is a well established set of approaches that help provide this environment, but unfortunately nothing like this is in northern california. The Bay Area is a huge market for mountain bikers, but ironically we have some of the worst trail access in the country, and individuals have to travel to the Sierra to find a high quality experience. As a professional who develops business plans as my profession, and who consulted on bike parks, I believe the proposal's revenue projections are very reasonable, and I believe you could do even better by partnering with local trail organizations and the bike industry. In addition to the benefits espoused in the proposal, I would highly encourage the team to look into summer camps and other youth programming. There are both public (e.g., Seattle's Evergreen Mountain Bike Association) and private (e.g., Woodward) examples where camps can be both an important source of revenue, and a safe environment for kids to challenge themselves and develop new skills. Youth who participate in outdoor recreation learn to love nature, and become invested in protecting our natural spaces. I believe this is great opportunity for Gilroy and the community and hope to see this important projects be developed. Best regards Josh Jensen