Agenda Item # 14.1 - Bridgette Travis | Received 01/22/2024CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Bridgette Travis To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - Public Comment Item #14.1 Property City-Owned 536 Acres at Hecker Pass (Including Gilroy Gardens Theme Park) Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 2:13:52 PM Dear Gilroy City Council, I'm writing to express my support for creating a Hillside Adventure Park off Hecker Pass. This park would address our community's recreational needs, attracting residents and visitors, and diversifying the local economy. The proposed park features mountain biking trails, zip lines, and a surfing area, catering to diverse interests and promoting an active lifestyle. As a cyclist and a mother, I see the need for dedicated downhill trails in the Bay and engaging nature-based opportunities for children. How else will we teach our children to protect the wild places we play in if we don’t provide them with meaningful environments in which to play? I advocate for a thoughtful approach which accounts for reducing environmental impacts like displacing wildlife. I also propose including a rock climbing area, adding another exciting element to the park, inspired by nearby climbing haven, Pinnacles. This facility aligns with the demand for outdoor spaces for all to play in, benefiting Gilroy's well-being and potentially boosting tourism. I urge the Town Council to seriously consider this proposal for its numerous community benefits. Best regards, Bridgette Travis