Agenda Item # 14.1 - Jeff Schafer | Received 01/29/2024CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Jeff Schafer To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - public comment Item #14.1 Property: City-Owned 536 Acres at Hecker Pass (Including Gilroy Gardens Theme Park) Date:Monday, January 29, 2024 4:26:53 PM To whom it may concerns, I was thrilled when I found out that the City of Gilroy was exploring the possibility of an adventure / bike park. As a resident of Morgan Hill, it would make a great area & community even better as I've been envious of other towns across the country that are fully committed to making mountain bike riding & other activities more accessible & a cornerstone of their identity (Bend, Bentonville, Prescott, East Burke VT, etc.). It would only strengthen the draw of our community of wineries, agriculture land, openness and welcoming community. It would be a huge net benefit to the entire community & local businesses (currently here and those that will come). I want to voice my public support for this city council to move forward with this project and proposal. I truly believe that this will be a true shining star of the Bay Area and help evolve Gilroy being known as the place where the outlets are to a true travel destination by a passionate & respectful community. My family and I live in Morgan HIll and love riding mountain bikes as a family. We frequent all the rideable trails for my youngest daughter (6 years old) but limited to Calero & Coyote Open Space given the significant grades (for climbing) at places like Henry Coe, Harvey Bear, etc. Having a dedicated mountain bike park would be such a blessing to not only my family but many of our family friends with kids that are into mountain biking. Thanks, Jeff Schafer Morgan Hill resident -- -js