Agenda Item #11.1 Jeff Berta Received 02 22 2024.pdf1 Beth Minor From:Jeff Berta <jeff.berta@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:32 AM To:Public Comments; All Council Members Subject:EXTERNAL - YES on item 11.1 permanent ceasefire CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and cauƟon when opening aƩachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hello Mayor and Gilroy City Council Members, My name is Jeffrey Francis Berta and I’m a Gilroy Community Member. I’m emailing you to ask for your support to approve a resoluƟon calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The conƟnued violence inside Gaza is having a devastaƟng impact on PalesƟnians and hostages. The longer the indiscriminate killing conƟnue, the more hatred is advanced. Some say a ceasefire in Gaza and passing a resoluƟon will cause division within this community. I don’t believe that. What causes division is killing, murdering of innocent civilians, intenƟonal starvaƟon and collecƟve punishment—exactly what is occurring in Gaza now. Standing for peace and life should never divide. Some say it’s not up to ciƟes to pass proclamaƟons on world affairs. However, the Gilroy City Council itself voted unanimously in support of the Ukrainian ProclamaƟon only a couple years ago. We all inhabit this planet and it is all of our responsibiliƟes to speak up against injusƟce whenever and wherever it occurs. The violence occurring in Gaza has a direct impact to our Gilroy community. Our government should not be taking American tax payer dollars and handing it to the Israeli government knowing that the money will lead to more death and destrucƟon. Our country has so many pressing issues where this money could directly benefit our own civilians here at home. Please approve item 11.1 and call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Thank you for your consideraƟon and Ɵme. Sincerely, Jeffrey Berta AGENDA ITEM 11.102/26/2024 Regular Meeting